
Friday, September 27, 2013

Finish It Friday

So what happens when I get a nice assortment of selvages from one of my all-time favorite designers, Laurie Wisbrun?

I organize them.
Then I super organize them in the order they were available for purchase. OCD?

Then I try a new trick I learned from Cristy--glue basting.
Then I turn them into a cute zipper pouch. Side 1:
Side 2:
Robert Kaufman really stepped up and started turning the color registration dots into an art form of their own!
And add a label on the inside:
And then make a lined drawstring bag from one of Laurie's latest lines. Side 1:
Side 2:

And then sigh from pure pleasure of having worked on such fun projects.

Getting to link a completed project at Crazy Mom Quilts? Fun!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Really Random Thursday, 9/26/13

Short and sweet this week. Last week at this time I was up in the mountains at a quilting retreat. Thank you to all you faithful Randomeers for continuing to post the randomness that IS life, even when I haven't been able to catch up with reading all the great posts. I appreciate you all.

By the end of the weekend, the temperature dropped and on Saturday night it rained, and because we were at 7,000 feet, it turned to sleet. Someone started a fire in a huge stone fireplace. Perfect.
I spent some quality time with selvages from Laurie Wisbrun. I'll post more about those on Friday, along with information on glue basting, which has changed my life.
Okay, the totally random thing was that I stayed with my friend, Deborah, who has a cabin directly across the lake from our quilting retreat, along with Vicki.  When driving to the cabin one night after dark, Vicki and I saw cows. Cows!! We kind of couldn't believe it. I mean, we were at 7,000 feet elevation. In the mountains. By a lake.

When I came home on Sunday, Mark and I celebrated Charlotte's birthday. We took her out to dinner, along with her brother.
How do they grow up so quickly??

Her other grandparents took her shopping and got her some shoes.
You have to see them more closely. Really. She loves her bling.
Our daughter-in-law,Christa, has started being a consultant for the company Thirty-One. It makes the most amazing storage items--containers, totes, etc. She just received the "room to grow" utility bin. Apparently you can even store a small child in it....with room to grow.
I leave you with this thought.

Your turn.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Really Random Thursday, 9/19/13

By the time you read this, I will be at 7,000 feet elevation at a quilting retreat. And it will feel like fall there, with lows predicted at 30 degrees Saturday night. Woohoo!

While the rest of the family was celebrating a birthday at Disneyland, we had this cutie for the weekend. He kept us highly entertained.

He and I walked to the nearby high school Saturday morning where Grandpa was refereeing a football game. He enjoyed blowing the whistle.
We had lunch with his Nana and Papa (great-grandparents).
I hugged him as often as he would let me.
During naptime we would clean this up, so he could enjoy taking it all out again.
Who needed to see the "characters" at Disneyland? We had our own little character.
Oh, I did some sewing too. I made a veritable bevy of lined drawstring bags. They were each super cute.

I planned on photographing them all together once they were completed. I remembered the whole picture business as I was getting ready to pack this last one up for shipping. Cute, right? You would have enjoyed seeing the others too....

And now it's your turn.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Really Random Thursday: 9/12/13

Welcome, fellow randomeers.

Let's get to it.

Random cleverness in advertising.

 Mark brought home some farm fresh eggs. Aren't they prettiest colors?
Our son called last night and said they were starting to read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. The kids didn't know what a "wardrobe" was. Glad I could help by sending over a picture of one of my favorite pieces of furniture, a beautiful wardrobe from England that lives in my sewing room.
A friend made sure I saw this card. I have no clue why...
 I guess I could also substitute the word "fabric." How about you?

One of my favorite bloggers of all time, Monica from Quilt While You're Ahead (she is going to be playing the Name Game--so excited) had this on her blog this week. She said I could borrow it. Even though my biggest phobia is the slithery thing in this cartoon, I laughed out loud.
So it seems we have a  yarn theme going on here. I had such a good time crocheting the Lego afghan for Levi, I started one for his sister, in pinks, lavender and grey.
This picture makes me laugh for two reasons. First, I posted each of these two pictures on Flickr, and got a nice comment from someone named Bruce about the picture on the left.

This is outstanding! Any kid would love to have that on their bed - I know mine would. (Though i have to admit as a LEGO collector I cringe a little at this being displayed with Megablox toys.)

Isn't that last part funny? I was actually happy with myself for these staging props. Oops. But it's a good reminder that when you tag pictures, you just never know who will be looking at them, right?

The second funny thing: Levi now wants me to teach him to "CROQUET." Precious.

Your turn.


Friday, September 6, 2013


A few months ago, I started a really fun project for a Lego lover after seeing this pattern on etsy. Instant download, quick trip to JoAnn (with no 's' on the end...).

Sunday night all the weaving in of the ends was completed.
Mission accomplished.

Linking up to Finish It Friday!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Really Random Thursday: 9/5/13

I don't have much this week. It's not that I haven't been doing anything. I have projects--not the secret kind. I just want to finish a few more things around my newly redecorated/organized sewing room. Minor things actually, but it's amazing how tweaking just a few things and getting rid of clutter makes everything seem new and fresh.

I did staple-gun my little finger. I won't show you a picture of that. Ouch.

And it didn't involve this project. I made it safely through this one.
Our niece went to visit her boyfriend's family in Sweden. She brought back this t-shirt for me.
Add it to the collection of Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts for what will be my most expensive quilt ever.

I actually finished a project. I know. Unbelievable. I'll link to Amanda Jean's Finish It Friday for the full reveal.

This came in the mail--it's a cool project bag that I won from Elizabeth. She has not only been sewing a lot, she took time to make bags for her projects! It is beautifully made, with a large vinyl window so you can actually see your project. Which is awesome. During my sewing room clean-up, I found projects stuffed in odd places that I had completely forgotten. Having them visible would not have made any difference might have helped.

I want one of each of these. Whether I choose to actually store anything on them or not.
Funny conversation between a 5-year-old and his mother.

Levi: Mommy, where is the Z in Joann's?

Mommy: Levi, sometimes an S makes a Z sound.

Levi: Mommy, where is the S?

#ihavesmart grandchildren

Your turn.