
Friday, February 2, 2024

Sewing Room Friday, 2/2/24


For years I have hoarded this precious "paint by number" fabric by Erin Michael. My parents got me some for my 60th birthday, and it was already an older line back then. I could never decide how best to showcase the fabric. After much thought I decided on the Hidden Agenda pattern by Angela Pingel. This is the third time I have made it, and it's a great one for highlighting large pieces of precious fabric. 

The thing is, once I get started on a project like this, I steamroll through until it's complete. I made all the square-in-a-square blocks first.

It's a messy job.

I'm super happy with how it turned out.

I also made this little bag.

I had pretty much depleted my vinyl stock at Christmas, so I replenished.

Aside from the message, this gives me Valentine's vibes.

And that's it for the first month of the year.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Really Random Thursday, 2/1/24


Somehow January completely slipped by without a single Really  Random post. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes but not enough that warranted a post. Although I have found a few memes that made me chuckle.

The rain locally is supposed to become an atmospheric river in the next couple of days. I don't ever remember hearing that phrase until a year or so ago. We'll see.  Lots of times things are forecasted for Fresno that completely bypass us. And this could be one of those times. Time will tell...

We had a couple of grandkids overnight two Friday nights in a row. The first time it was just Gabe and Ella. Not sure what we were watching here, but he sure is growing. I think he's only about an inch shorter than me at this point. 
A friend of ours (hi, Gary Barber) plays trombone in a community band, and when he posted this, it looked like a really fun concert. Tickets were free, and since Gabe is now playing trumpet, it seemed like something he would enjoy.

The concert was very good. The conductor gave a little back story before each song, and yes, a few times it did sound like a train was actually in the auditorium. We are looking forward to the concert in March.
Not happening here, but an idea for those of you with snow.

Last weekend, with the forecasted rain, Mark decided he better get the roses fed. It was a really nice day, and both Gabe and Ella helped with that chore.

I'll be writing soon about other things going on but for now, a lot of overthinking is happening.