
Friday, February 12, 2010

Let the Games begin!

I love the Olympics, and am much more partial to the Winter Olympics than the Summer Olympics. This year they are even in our neck of the woods. Sort of. Well, straight north of us anyway. And apparently Mother Nature is enjoying the little joke she is playing by dumping too much snow on the Midwest and East Coast, while the Vancouver area is having to truck it in.

(picture by John Thurlow)

I was windowshopping on etsy, and in honor of the Olympics and the Canadian venues, I found these items by amazing Canadian artists, in the five colors of the Olympic rings, of course.

And because you just never know what will strike your fancy,

Good luck to all the Canadian etsy artists, and to the athletes from around the world. Let the Games begin!


  1. While not necessarily a fan of the Olympics, I AM a fan of that blue floral purse. So cute!

  2. I get ridiculously excited by the Olympics - especially winter. I'll watch almost any event just to watch all the different countries and root for the underdogs from oh so far away.

    It's funny that you are geographically much closer to them than I am, and I'm technically "hosting."

  3. I love, love, love the winter Olympics.

  4. We are SO excited for the Olympics (for obvious location reasons) but there is such a buzz in the air about them and you can feel the vibe in our communities!

    Yes, the trucking in the snow is a sick sick joke...especially when they had record snow falls last year!!

  5. Are you telling us you BOUGHT all those pretty things? ;-)

  6. I don't think you bought those things, I think you're an ad agent for Etsy! The penguin was quit cute! Whenever Valentine's Day and Olympics coincide, Kansas celebrates marathon kissing! Come join us! Janice

  7. Olympics... YAY! :) So cool how you showed your love of the Olympics through stuff found on Etsy!


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