
Sunday, April 11, 2010


That is the amount of money California Garden raised for world relief yesterday at the MCC sale. $3700!! It was the second highest amount of the quilt auction (the highest was $4400) and my personal best of the four quilts I have donated over the years. Considering the weak economy, I was amazed and happy. Mark was hoping it would raise $1 for each piece, so we surpassed our hopes.

The auction starts at 9 a.m. and our group sits in the same spot every year.
This is how the other quilts are displayed--the giant sawhorses.
There were a couple of wholecloth quilts with exquisite hand quilting.
And this totally cute quilt  had "Kerr Jar" hand quilted on each block--such a clever touch.

Along with Christa and Charlotte, and their friends from Seattle, we had lunch with these two cute guys:

And this is the quilt I came home with.

It's a beauty. The best thing is that 90 percent of the money spent on quilts will go for food and water for those in need.

My quilt was number 176 out of the 250 quilts to be auctioned so it was about 3:30 when it finally came up. By that time my hands were sweaty and my stomach was in knots.

This is what it sounded like (and a piece of auctioneering psychology we picked up yesterday was that the auctioneer likes to start the bidding high, with the price he thinks the item should sell for--just to get a goal set in everyone's mind--that was interesting info to me):

Now it's time to start thinking of the quilt for 2012...oh, and to start working off all the yummy food that I ate all weekend.


  1. WOW!!!!!!! This brought tears to my eyes and chills on my skin when I heard this auction! That is so cool that you video taped it!! I'm amazed how much you sold that quilt for! That is so awesome, you must be so proud! And what a wonderful cause! Did you do the whole quilt yourself? Now I'm going to have to go back and read all about this quilt on your blog. It's so big and so much work went into it! Very cool that you donated it! Beautiful! Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations Cindy! We were on pins and needles during the bidding and the result was fantastic. Can't wait to see what you come up with for the next one.

  3. That is just fantastic!! The quilt is amazing - all those little pieces...

    Those folks got a bargain. :-)

  4. Man oh man my hands were so sweaty during the auction! Talk about a rush! Yay Cindy!

  5. What a beautiful quilt, as a Californian I love your design ;) How fun to watch the auction! Great job!

  6. Congrats on your quilt! There is a relief sale not so far from here. Someday I am going to get there to see the beautiful quilts.

  7. Congratulations. Awesome! This is really fantastic. Great job!


  8. What an exciting day you must've had! It was fun watching the video... thanks for sharing! I bet it was hard to say goodbye to that quilt after all those hours spent with it, huh? :)

    You are so generous!!

  9. Wow! Congratulations and how exciting!!!!!

  10. A bunch of our Kansas friends watched this and read it together! WoW! Just think of how many tummies will be fed because of your creativity! Love, Janice

  11. Oh what a QUILT! It looked so amazing hanging up front and the fast and furious bidding was very exciting!!

    p.s. My verification word is "itickle", which I just think is too fun not to document!

  12. This gorgeous quilt brought tears to my eyes also, for 2 reasons.

    First: It went for too little..... 3,460 pieces painstakingly cut, organized, stitched. Imagine just keeping track of all those itsy bitsy pieces. First quality quilting fabric, top quality thread, first class all the way.

    Second: It didn't come home with me.

    You are an amazing artist, Cindy. Congratulations!

  13. yee haw :o) I loved listening to the auction. So proud of you and all of your hard work!

  14. YAY! you're amazing! as is your quilt!

    I was THERE! wow!



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