
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Name Game: Pins and Needles

I'm really pleased to have Dawn here today, from Pins and Needles.She is from the Chicago area. Hardly any of my friends know this about me, but when I was little, I actually lived in Chicago. For about six weeks. I think was under two years of age, and my parents moved all the way from California and then things didn't work out and six weeks later moved all the way back to California. I try to imagine doing that with a little one. Yikes.

The technical name of Dawn's blog is "Quilting by Dawn," which conjures up a couple of different images for me. Other than the obvious, which is her name, I imagine getting up early in the morning, quilting as the sun rises, coffee close by.

Okay, back to business.
How did you choose the name for your blog?

When I set up my blog, I just did it without much thought. I had just recently seen the movie Julie and Julia and I just started a complicated Mariner's Compass quilt for my husband. I thought I would track my progress, kind of like Julie did with cooking thru Julia Child's book. I never read blogs before (didn't know of the wonderful blog community of quilters) so I didn't know anything about naming one. When 'asked' to come up with a name, I stumbled with coming up with...anything...hmmm...not very creative...but quiltingbydawn was born. The sub title ...on pins and needles was added for 2 reasons: first it was my AIM name (does AIM still exist?) and secondly, the saying '...on pins and needles' conveys a feeling of anxiously awaiting the next creative adventure. Although I love to quilt, I also enjoy other sewing, knitting and crafts. I am rarely without a project in my hands or churning in my head (usually more than one.)
Were there other names you considered, and can you share any of them with us?

I seem to remember that the name I originally tried wasn't available but I don't remember what it was.

Now that you are recognized by your blog name, are you happy with it, or do you wish you could change it to something else?

Sometimes I wish that I would have one of those very creative, play on word blog names that you find out in blog land but I'm satisfied with it. I did try to add some unique qualities to 'quiltingbydawn' by spelling it in all lowercase letters, no spaces between the words and adding a subtitle. I'll save my creative juices for my quilts :D

Thanks Cindy, I am honored that you asked my to play along in the Name Game!

Thanks for joining us this week, Dawn. I hope everyone will head over to your blog, say hi and have a look around. 


  1. I chose my blog name based on the book I'm working through '501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks' by Judy Hopkins. Like Julie of Julie and Julia, I'd always wanted to work my way through a cookbook but dismissed the idea because I'd have to eat it all. With quilting, I'll always be able to find a use for my blocks.

  2. Very nice interview! I actually changed the name of my blog from Cathy's Scrap Creations to Sunbonnet Sue Quilts. No reason I can think of except I love Sunbonnet Sue and applique and scraps, and it seemed to inspire me more! :)

  3. Dawn, your red and white quilt is absolutely stunning!!!!!One day, I'll make a two colour quilt.

  4. Just a little blown away by those stunning quilts! Wow x

  5. Nice interview. Love the name game. I am especially crushing on that Compass Quilt! Stunning!


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