
Monday, October 3, 2011

The Name Game: Marmalade Fabrics/A Content Life

After no Name Game post last Monday, I have a really special one this week. Tammy from Marmalade Fabrics is here! She also happens to be the premier sponsor here at LACF. But before that happened, I had already discovered Marmalade Fabrics and what excellent customer service Tammy provides.

I'm so happy to have her tell us how she chose the name for her shop.

Making Marmalade
Think toast with butter and jam, then think marmalade, a sweet topping for toast. Traditional marmalade is made with orange peel and lots of sugar. Times have changed and modern marmalade recipes are much more creative and diverse. Today you can use the peel from all sorts of fruits - tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, mandarins and kumquats. Modern marmalade can be made from apples, pineapples, bananas, rhubarb, hot peppers, sweet peppers and even onions! And talk about color! Marmalade can be bright orange to red, yellow, purple, green and every shade in between.

Now think Marmalade Fabrics, and you’ve got a picture of a fabric-lover’s taste for the pure joy of prints and color.

It wasn’t quite that easy to think up a name for my online business though. In fact, I spent a couple days tossing around ideas. I knew I wanted to provide a variety of modern fabric to quilters and artists, but “Modern Fabric Shoppe” was just plain boring! After exhausting any possible names related to sewing and stitching, I began to think of pairs. Stuff like coffee and cream, ham and eggs, and pie and ice cream. I must have been hungry at the time!

I was probably making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my boys when I took off on another pairing tangent: Needle and thread? Jam and bread? Fabric and jelly? Fabric and jam? Fabric and marmalade! Who knows for sure, but once I came up with it, thinking of sweet orange marmalade and orange being my favorite color, I knew it was right. Marmalade Fabrics was the name that stuck!

Now orange you glad you asked?!
Were there other names you considered, and can you share any of them with us?

In the first few months of business, I admit that I second-guessed my choice of names. After all I’m a down home Kansas girl with traditional quilt making roots, and there was a time when I enjoyed using traditional fabrics. But when modern prints started emerging, I fell for them. My greatest influences were Jacquie Gering and Alissa Haight Carlton, whose use of modern prints in an improvisational design style injected fresh life into my own ideas about what a quilt was supposed to look like. I was rejuvenated! Now I know that sounds dramatic, but modern quilting and modern fabrics have changed my life, literally and Marmalade Fabrics is proof of it. The more time I spend with these fabrics, the more I love them.

Now that you are recognized by Marmalade Fabrics, are you happy with it, or do you wish you could change it to something else? 
There’s no second-guessing now. The name Marmalade fits! Whether I’m mixing fabrics of all colors and patterns to create new and interesting bundles or stacking solids into rainbows of color, I’m so excited to share my love of fabric with others and help promote traditional and modern quilting to both young and not-so-young alike.
Currently, I love to experiment with “improv piecing.” It’s cutting fabrics without using a ruler, and sewing without worrying about a scant quarter-inch seam. It’s very freeing, and an especially fun way to sew log cabin blocks.

More time with my Bernina sewing machine would be welcome, so I'd have more quilts to show you, but, here's my favorite quilt Pocket Change made from Daisy Janie’s Geo Grand organic fabric and various solid cotton fabrics.
My Content Life
I started my blog A Content Life in February 2009. My blog name describes me or at least how I strive to live. If I thought of any other names for my blog, they’re insignificant since A Content Life is based on my favorite Bible passage is Philippians 4:4-13. Specifically, verses 11-12 are about being content:

 ... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  New International Version
When I started Marmalade Fabrics, I considered re-naming my blog. I’m so glad I didn’t. Marmalade Fabrics has added so much to my content life. They’re a pair now, just like pie and ice cream.
On September 29, Marmalade Fabrics will have been in business for a year. I’ve been on a whirlwind, growing from 30 bolts to more than 600 bolts. What will the next year bring? Another addition to my house, perhaps!
I hope you will head over to both Marmalade Fabrics and A Content Life. If you are looking for Kona cottons, Marmalade Fabrics is definitely the place to check out. But guess what else? Tammy has generously offered to host a giveaway. She will give away this stack of six fat quarters. I keep thinking I have found the perfect combination of colors with gray: aqua, orange, yellow. Gray is an amazing color. Citron is now my new love.
Want a chance to win? Just leave a comment telling us what your favorite color is to pair with gray. Random Number Generator will choose a winner on Wednesday at 6 p.m. PDT.

Looking for the Accuquilt Go!Baby giveaway. It's not too late--you have until tomorrow!


  1. Grey is such a great colour! That's probably why it is SO popular! I love it with yellow!

  2. I love gray with so many colors but I guess my favorite is pink!

  3. Thanks for this interview, Cindy, I loved hearing more about Marmalade, they're one of my fave fabric shops :) As for what to pair with gray, I think it goes with everything, but my favorite color to pair with it right now is either aqua or purple...

  4. I think that grey goes with everything! For a baby quilt, pale pink or blue would be lovely. For myself, I would go with dark purple and citron. Sounds odd, but looks great!

  5. Great interview! I like turquiose and gray together!

  6. Tammy is just a sweetheart... as nice in person as she comes across on the 'net. The fabrics she stocks are to die for!

  7. Not sure I have a favorite. I like the citron selection you chose. I also like orange,aqua and blue with grey. Grey is a great neutral.

  8. Take me out of the giveaway...I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading about Tammy's blogging and shop history. I have always liked her blog name. I have a content life too :)

  9. I like gray and red (of course I always like red). I have your shop bookmarked, so I'll be sure to check you out when I'm online fabric shopping. Thanks for the giveaway. Kathie L in Allentown

  10. I have been in love with gray for a bit of time now. I have gray and turquoise fabric and gray and citron fabric waiting to be played with. My favorite is the citron with gray!

  11. I love aqua and gray together.

  12. Thanks for the opportunity! Right now I would pick a deep mustard and/or a deep maroon (feeling fall...LOL). As a side note, I love the Name Game!

  13. Fuschia or raspberry! Love the little mini quilt you received recently!

  14. I always enjoy reading Tammy's blog. I love pink with gray--pastel pink with the lighter grays and hot pink with the darks. Orange and gray is pretty awesome, too :)

  15. So nice to hear more about Marmalade Fbrics. My favorite colour to pair with grey is burgundy. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I love green and yellow with grey. That is such a pretty stack of fabrics. Thank you for the chance to win it.

  17. Turquoise and gray!

  18. Lime green and grey for me. thanks!

  19. RED, I love red and gray. But I really like the yellow and gray too.

  20. I haven't used much grey at all, but I think brown would be a great partner! I wanna win! thanks

  21. I love grey with any colour! My fave would be aqua!

  22. I'm in my purple phase right now, and I love grey with any shade. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Marmalade has an amazing selection!

  23. I love grey and pink, although grey and aqua looks lovely too.

  24. Love Grey!!! I really love grey with tht robin egg blue....or red...or yellow :)

  25. I think today I would chose grey and aqua, buti might add a touch of plum : )

  26. I have always admired the Citron fabric so with gray I'd have to say yellow!! One of my absolute favorites.

  27. I love the combination of gray and yellow, but pale blue is a close second. Thanks for the chance!!

  28. I use gray a lot! And I think I've put it with just about every color but brown! I think my favorite is lime green!

  29. Like several others, I love aqua and grey together.

  30. I am loving all of the combinations with, white and gray; pink, white and gray; teal, white and gray. Too hard to pick a favorite!

    I've often wondered how Tammy came up with her shop's name...and now I know!

  31. I like to pair gray with blues, but of course it goes with everything :) THANKS for the chance at this lovely stack of fabric.

  32. I agree that aqua and gray are quite yummy, but am recently fond of raspberry and gray. Thanks for the chance to win

  33. I only recently found Marmalade Fabrics and I love their stock. Great background on the name. Hmm, I like gray and teal today but have been known to pair it with green too!

  34. Such a great post! So many great things to celebrate!

    I love sea foam green and grey, but then I love citrus green and grey, and aqua and grey. . . Sigh, so much potential!

  35. I am also a lover of the combo of yellow and grey, but I think that my fave is still aqua and grey. The real question is, what colour don't I like with grey!

  36. Gray and Yellow. That's a favorite of mine.
    Thanks for the opportunity. Wendy

  37. thanks tammy!
    gray is a big part of my quilting life at the all into neutrals and gray works! gray + brown for right now!

  38. I love gray with yellow. I found this print somewhere that has yellow cherry blossoms on a grey background, and I've been in love with the combination ever since. It just feels so . . . sophisticated to me, but without pretensions of grandiosity. lol Thanks for the giveaway, and for the interview. Both are fab! :)

  39. Tammy has a wonderful selection and is a sweetheart in person as well as on her blog and shop. I'd love to try and orange and grey color scheme soon.

  40. I like most colours with grey. Probably pink at the moment.

  41. I love aqua - it makes a fantastic combination.

  42. I love everything with Gray but especially bright orange! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. yellow for me, too. but more of a pale yellow then citron.

  44. Grey is one of those wonderful colors that looks great with almost any color. I'd have to say my fave is pink....I looooovveeeeeee me some pink and grey! :)

  45. I love something bright like Citron or Orange. What a great neutral to work with.

  46. Oh grey and orange, I think, is a current love - that Pocket Change quilt is stunning!

  47. I think grey and lemon go well.

  48. I just finished a baby quilt for my little niece set to arrive anytime now in Melbourne Australia and used red, aqua, white and grey. Love love love.

    My favourite obsession in clothing is grey and citron/mustard. So it would be great to win this giveaway to start my grey/citron quilt!

  49. Grey is such a great neutral and goes nearly all colors and I love it with aqua best..Beth

  50. Red or a deep pink are my favorites with gray:)

  51. My favorite combo would be grey and pink. Thanks for the interview and for introducing me to Tammy. I will have to check out Marmalade Fabrics.

  52. Grey is the current neutral in my quilting stash. I use it with every fabric I own. Today my favorite combination is grey, orange and turquoise. Thanks for a very generous giveaway.

  53. I really love grey with chartreuse!

  54. Grey is such a great color, but I am loving the citron with grey the most right now.

  55. Yellow and grey is the combo I used most recently and I love it! Orange and grey is equally fabulous.

  56. Grey. Today I think I like lime green with grey. Yesterday, though, I would have chosen orange. The day before, yellow. And before that turquoise. Call me fickle.

  57. Grey is so versatile that it can be paired with many colors and just pop right out there at us. Back in the 50's it was pink and grey, 60's I avoided grey, 70's I didn't care if anything went well with anything else and 80's - present my thoughts on pairing up change almost hourly. For the present moment I believe Citron and Grey would suit me. Thanks

  58. Gray goes with so many color. But I do love gray and pink on my baby girl.

  59. Would love to pair with yellow...a pale yellow....2nd choice, a pale pink...Have a great day!

  60. Pale yellow...or pink - it would be a hard choice.

  61. Great interview! I love how the name came about. I love gray with brights: pink, yellow, red!

  62. Gray goes well with so many colors but I'd have to say turquoise because it's my all-time favorite.

  63. Right now I'm working on a grey and yellow quilt that will be a wedding present. I think I'm going to have a hard time giving it away!

  64. I'm currently making a lap quil with grey sashing and a gradient of colours in little pieces. My favorite colour with grey is aqua.

  65. Thanks for the giveaway! I like to pair gray with a dusty lime green or chalky cornflower blue!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  66. I love grey. I love it with orange the best, but I don't think there's a colour that would go poorly with grey...

  67. i LOVE to pair up grey with turquoise~but grey is my new neutral since my youngest daughter used it in her house~outstanding!! thanks for the giveaway and have a great week! xo

  68. I love gray with turquoise- a really dark teal-ly turquoise! I hadn't heard of I'm off to take a look!

  69. I really like the aqua with grey, but really anything with grey is nice!

  70. I lie top pair gray with yellow and turqoise


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