
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Really Random, 3/22/12

Last week, my advice was this:

I didn't follow it myself. Didn't make a list. I'm probably forgetting something.

Last year, Mark was a judge for the Shafter (California) Distinguished Young Women scholarship program. He did a good job, and as you are allowed to be a judge for two years in a row, and then have to take a break, he was invited back. Last Friday we went to Shafter (about two hours south). He had interviews with the contestants all afternoon. So I turned on the GPS, went to Bakersfield, about half an hour away, and met one of my blogging buddies in person, Terri (Sew-Fantastic).

Added bonus: Her daughter, Sophie..

We had about an hour to chat and get to know each other a little better. It was great. In fact, it was "sew-fantastic." We're not that far from each other. I think a sewing day is in the near future.

I couldn't get a picture of "da judge," but here are the contestants, along with the winner from last year.

On Sunday afternoon, Mark had to go measure something in a kitchen he is helping to remodel. The couple lives up in the foothills. It rained on the way there and the snow level was down to about 1,600 feet.
The view from their future kitchen (I'm planning on becoming really chummy--isn't this beautiful?)
And the drive down. We have flat-topped "table" mountains in our area which are quite interesting.

Did a little sewing. More details on these blocks coming:
And while we're on the topic of blocks, here are my four granny square blocks. I inadvertently used the wrong orange in the center of one of them, Kona papaya rather than Kona school bus. At first I thought it looked different just because of the color surrounding it, but then decided it really was the wrong fabric. Does it jump out? Would you change it?

One of these ended up in my hands last week, due to someone in the family mistakenly winning two eBay bids. Oops. And then texting me about a GREAT opportunity, to own an iPad, wonderful learning tool for grandchildren, or something like that. And of course he knew I would be a pushover with the word "grandchildren." So now I own an iPad.
There are lots of private swaps that are always going on in the quilting/blogging world. Terri and I did a little swap of our own. When our friend, Amanda Jean, along with Cheryl, co-authored a book, which is fabulous by the way, we decided to do a little trade. I would order the book for her and in exchange she would make me a couple of stuff sacks using her new pattern. Her book arrived last week, which was great since she was on spring break and the weather was nice in Wisconsin, so she could sit outside and read it, and my stuff sacks arrived yesterday. I thought I was only getting one, but I really got two of them. Awesome fabric, awesome exchange, awesome friend. Thanks, Terri!
 (Pattern to make your own stuff sacks here)
"Yes, actually it does take hours to get a 'do like this."
"Yes, my older brother is so silly, I can't even look at him!"
"Well...he is a pretty cool big brother. But look how straight his hair is. I'll probably have to give him some tips...."
A couple of weeks ago, Riel made a replica of her sewing machine with Legos. I became instantly obsessed. I raved about it. I might have sounded slightly crazed obsessed when I commented on it. I contemplated purchasing a bunch of Lego sets, especially Star Wars sets, hoping to make a replica of my machine. Then I saw this picture.
Then I read the post.
Eeek. Look what will be living at my house, as soon as her kids get tired of it. But really, they made it for me!!!! Isn't it amazing?? It is the identical Lego version of my Elna Quilter's Dream Pro. I can't believe she took the time to find a picture of my machine. Thanks, Riel. I'm SO excited.

Um...Riel, are your kids tired of it yet??
It's not too late to enter the Modern Madness giveaway. Go head. Fill out your brackets and make a prediction, and find out what your predictions say about you! Winner chosen at 6 p.m. tonight PDT.


  1. i can't even see the difference in color on the middle blocks. if you can't either, i would leave it.

    cute lego machine. too fun!

  2. I love the Lego sewing machine!! I'd leave the centre square as it is - if it bothers you could you use that colour in the centre of some other blocks?

  3. amazing machines by Riel! I have an ipad on order- ceck out touchdraw app Cindy, I think you will love it for quilt pattern/paper piece drawing

  4. Lego sewing machines! How fun!!

    I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out but I personally like the center orange square in the one block. That also might mean that I'm a little "off"... ;)

    Jennifer :)

    PS I love your shirt in the first picture!

  5. I saw that Lego machine and thought of you right away!
    How about using a combo of the 2 colors for your centers...some of each?

  6. Love this post... jealous of your Lego machine and the iPad stody cracked me up!

  7. It's Thursday...yea! A fun post from Cindy, and I"m never disappointed! I agree with Deborah about maybe making a few more lighter orange centers...more interesting, that way. Those Lego machines are so fun. I agree with Jen about your shirt and also didn't miss that you have been sewing ahead on the FW!! Ack!

  8. Oh I was all about the lists this week, mainly because I'm off to Ireland for a long weekend tomorrow morning (which sounds arduous until you realise it's a 30 minute flight on a bad day lol) You are on that list BTW, alas, you fell off 'til Monday, I'm so sorry!

    Loving the blocks, and I wouldn't change the papaya one.

    If my 87 year old gran can master an iPad, I'm sure you can, you're a much younger, hipper granny ;o)

    Love the lego minis!!!

  9. Had a list. Well, HAVE a list. I just can't get anything crossed off it. I'm still working on my list from spring break (which was finished 2 weeks ago).

    I LOVE the lego sewing machine! I want one!

  10. Lovin' the 'do... but even more so those big brown eyes!!

    Is that the iPad that leaves the double comments? ;)

  11. The Lego sewing machine is awesome. I have been begging my two middle boys (the Lego obsessed ones) to make me one. They haven't followed through yet!

  12. How cool that you got to meet a blogger friend in person! I know what a great feeling that is, when I got to meet you last summer. Wish we lived closer so we could get together more often!

    Cool blocks! I would leave them just as they are cuz they look fab. I haven't jumped on the granny square bandwagon yet, but I probably will.

  13. PS - thanks for offering to do the trade with me! It makes me very happy to know you like your new stuff sacks.

  14. I can't believe how long Terri's hair is getting! I always have her in my head as having it short. I think that's how it was for most of high school... So awesome that you got to meet! Isn't Sophie a doll?! I LOVE the Lego sewing machine. I might have to make a trip to the Lego store and get a bunch of white bricks from the wall-o-loose-bricks. :)

  15. Ha, ha! I have a feeling I will be out to the post office before the end of next week ... ;-)

  16. I would definitely leave it the way it is. It adds a fun twist to the project.


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