
Friday, April 13, 2012

Farmer's Wife Friday: The Role of Helpmeet

This week's farmer's wife is from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

And this week, I'll admit that I'm not much in the mood for writing about what this Pennsylvania farmer's wife has to say.  Some days are just like that, I guess. She writes extensively about her role as a farmer's wife, about the many tasks she needs to attend to, the labor-saving devices she has in her home, and the amusements that are more varied in the country than in the city.

I'm sure she spends some of her time filling baskets with produce grown on her farm.

#3 Basket

And perhaps spends time looking in the sky and occasionally sees a falling star.

#78 Shooting Star

Tonight, for some reason, I'm just tired and so I will leave you with this quote from the letter:

"Too often we forget that work is a blessing God as given us; that He meant each of us to be a producer--not to be content with doing less than our share. Life is what we make it and the busy person is always a happy one." ...or sometimes just a tired one...

All of the basket blocks so far:
Don't miss Carla's thoughts on this week's letter, and her blocks, which are guaranteed to have some cheerful fabric.


  1. Oh no! Do I have to appliqué another handle when I get to this one? I hated that part on the other basket!

  2. I'm with you on that busy person being a tired one, especialyl on a Friday!

  3. Yep, busy does equal tired, especially at our age! Tee, hee! What a great idea to put all of your baskets together for a photo shoot....very pretty.

  4. these blocks look more time-consuming to make. But they all look so cool together!

  5. Love the Shooting Star block; great colours x

  6. Love your blocks and your honesty!

    I hope you get some time to rest this weekend...

    Jennifer :)

  7. I love the Shooting Star block! Hope you feel brighter soon x

  8. I really like all of the basket blocks pictured together! Enjoy some rest this weekend!

  9. You are just making such great progress on this!


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