
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Really Random Thursday, 5/16/13

It's a short one today, as I'm in Portland.  The theme is music.

Charlotte was a flower in a delightful ballet version of the Wizard of Oz.

 (There she is in the center, in the dark pink dress)

I hope you take the time to watch this to the end. It's amazing! Here is the link in case it doesn't open on your iPhone or iPad.
Your turn.


  1. That was a unique way to start my day. Fun! I got to watch my grandtwins dance performance Saturday. Nothing like children on stage.

  2. sweet girl and funny music ;-)

  3. Have fun at Market. I am really going to miss being there!

  4. Have a wonderful time at Market! Your parcel of fabric arrived today ! Makes up for not being there! Thank you Cindy , you are very, very generous!

  5. What fun! Thinking of you at Market and remembering the fun we enjoyed last year in KC!

  6. What a sweet little ballerina. She always has such a beautiful smile.

    Enjoy Market.

  7. What a lovely flower... and fun video!

  8. This is why, when catching up from weeks offline, I always save your blog for last! I know it will end on a high note. (No pun intended but I giggled a little bit when I typed that - haha.)

  9. I'm such a nincompoop. I never realized you had a button for Really Random Thursday. Added it to my blog. Sorry I didn't have it before!

  10. Just now had time to watch the video. Fun!

  11. How in the world can she be so big?...and BEAUTIFUL!!


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