
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Really Random Thursday, 6/27/13

My mother had back surgery and is in a rehab hospital for a few days learning new body mechanics. She had a visitor the other night. Think he was the best medicine she could have had?
I know two kids who will enjoy these new camping pillow cases (I'm keeping the super cute selvages and adding them to my Laurie Wisbrun collection--yep, I have a separate bag just for her selvages).
So last weekend in the mountains when we were sewing, and unplugged, we kept thinking of things that we needed to Google. We had to make a list. What if....
That's it. Your turn.


  1. I hope your mum recovers well and that's a great picture!
    The google thing made me laugh out loud, brilliant!

  2. I bet your mother enjoyed that little man's visit! And I hope she is making a speedy recovery!

  3. LOL! We google everything around here. :) Hope you mom has a speedy recovery!

  4. Yes that is scary about the google disappearing. I think if it happened we may all be sucking our thumb in a corner. Well maybe not....that extreme,but I do wonder:/

    Hope your mom is quick to recover so she can have fun with her great grandchildren again!

  5. That IS the best medicine. I hope she recovers quickly.

    Those are super cute selvages...cute pillow cases too.

  6. Looks like your mom is having a great time. I hope she has a speedy recovery. I'm a constant googler!

  7. That is the cutest visitor anyone could have when they are recovering, or any other time! :) What would we do without Google? I don't think my son will know what an encyclopedia ever was. ha!

  8. Cute picture with your Mum - wishing her a speedy recovery xxx

  9. Back surgery sounds tough. Hope your mom recovers well! I bet she loved seeing the great grandkids. Love those camping pillowcases!

  10. We've talked about it a lot. If the zombies come, I'm SOL. I keep everything on google. Pretty sure I dont even remember how to use things like encyclopedias. :)

  11. Had to google to find my 'useless table'! Found it!!!

  12. I missed out today. My internet went down and so I didn't have time to get a post together. I hope your mom is feeling better. Ouch.

  13. Prayers and healing thoughts for your mum!

  14. Hope your mum's feeling better now :o)

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