
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Really Random Thursday, 6/12/14

So I spent nearly half the week unplugged. Did lots of sewing, eating, chatting. Took hardly a single picture to document such a wonderful weekend.

Partially packed--the Thirty-One totes came in very handy.
 Much discussion about how to set these donated vintage blocks. A decision was reached.
The view from the kitchen window.
The view from inside.
One set of pretty scraps.
We usually hang all our completed projects over the railing of the circular staircase. Yes, we did that again this year. No, I didn't take a picture.

It broke a record this week by reaching 110 degrees. My brain is fried. 

So that's all, folks.

Your turn.


  1. Looks like you had a great time! It's always so nice to really enjoy the moment rather than stepping back and photographing it.

  2. I so love retreats like this! Sooo glad yours was productive and fun! (I have the same big dot bag for my sewing too...LOVE IT!)

    1. PS I'm looking forward to watching the progress of your vintage quilt. Cool find!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend away! I bet it was refreshing to be unplugged and creative for a few days. Did it take you awhile to get used to that? Sometimes it takes me awhile to get used to that when I go to my parents' cottage in Door County. Welcome home.

  4. It sounds like it was a great trip. I like the unplugged idea.

  5. Sounds like wonderful week but how on earth do you cope with the temperatures?! I'm having a hard enough time with about 21C (68ishF) - do you spend the summer in front of the fridge? In the fridge?!!

  6. I hope y'all had air conditioning! Glad you enjoyed your time away and unplugged. Looking forward to our retreat (NOT unplugged...ha). Also, hoping someone got a picture of all the quilt projects on the railing.

  7. Sounds like loads of fun, but although I normally work in Celsius, even I know 110F is wrong on so many levels!

  8. I'm so happy for you to have had a get-away. It feels good, doesn't it? Though, I'm guessing that if you feel as I do after a retreat, you're scrambling to put things away and catch up with everything that happened while you were away. Hope you have a relaxing weekend ahead.

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  10. So glad you had a good and relaxed time We all need that. I'm thinking about a little quilt break later this month. We'll see if I really do it or not.


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