
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Free Motion Quilting for Beginners/Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks

Note: The Giveaway is now closed. Thanks for stopping by!
Welcome to the blog today! Let's consider today a"series of fortunate events" for you, the reader. I am rarely on blog hops or book tours, but for some reason, beyond my control, I have both on the very same day.

Let's start with Molly Hanson first. Here is a funny back story. I was at spring quilt market in May 2013, walking down an aisle with my husband, Mark, when someone stopped me right as we came to Angela Walters' booth, and said, "Aren't you Cindy from Live a Colorful Life? I read your blog!"  I was pretty shocked that someone recognized me.  I have met blogging friends before, but always because we had prearranged it. Random recognition has never happened to me. It was really fun., so Mark took our picture and we chatted a bit. I instantly knew that Molly and I would be friends. She is warm and funny, and VERY talented.

When she told me about her book, "Free Motion Quilting for Beginners, and those who think they can't" I kind of felt like she had written it specifically for me. The only quilting I have done is straight-line/grid quilting. I love them both, but have felt ready to expand my quilting horizons, although feeling intimidated at the thought of actually trying something new.

 Photo Courtesy of Martingale, Brent Kane photographer
For some reason, I always thought that stippling was the first required skill on your way to free motion quilting. Imagine my joy when I read this,  "When I first sat down and tried free-motion quilting, I started with classic stippling, because I thought I was supposed to start there. It turned out that wasn't a good starting point for me because the movements were so foreign."


After a lot of information on supplies, tips and tricks, and reminders, she starts with small projects, and with each new FMQ skill, you move to larger and larger projects until by the end you have the skills to move onto a quilt. I hesitate to show you my trial run, but everyone has to start somewhere. Once over I got over the freaky feeling that I was the one in control and relaxed a little bit, things seemed to go more smoothly.

The projects are cute and clever,  and I really want to make each and every one. Here are a couple of my favorites (all photos courtesy of Martingale, Brent Kane, photographer).

Aren't the initials cute in the woodgrain quilting? 

After the holidays, I plan to work my way from start to finish through the book, making each project. You can follow Molly's quilting adventures on her blog.

Molly's publisher, Martingale, has generously offered to give an e-book to one lucky reader. So for this giveaway, leave a comment and let me know if you are a free motion quilter, and if you started with stippling.

Also be sure to check out the previous stops on the tour, and the Thermoweb stop tomorrow.

1. Martingale November 11th
2. Amanda Jean November 13th
3. Amy Friend November 14th
4. Angela Walters  November15th 
5. Juliet van der Heijden The Tartankiwi  November 17th
6. Lori Kennedy  November 19th
7. Cindy Wiens November 20th (you are here!)
8. Thermoweb November 21st

Next, I'm really happy to have a block in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, especially this edition, as it is the 10th volume, which means they have published 1000 block designs.

My block is #930, Wanderlust. It is based on a logo I saw on a website (logos are great sources of inspiration!). As always, Quilty Pleasures is featuring great giveaways during the blog tour and listing all of the participants for each day so you will want to make sure to stop over there.
I also made a mini quilt, shown in the magazine as well.

Quiltmaker Magazine has generously offered to give away one copy of this issue to one of you, so leave a comment and let me know if you ever work with solids, or prefer to stick with prints.

For all the  blog tour stops and more giveaways, hop on over to Quilty Pleasures blog.

I'll be picking winners for each of the giveaways Monday morning, November 24, so make sure I have contact information, and thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. I have just started to try to learn free motion quilting. This book would be so helpful! Congrats on getting a block featured.

  2. I am still learning free motion. It isn't intuitive for me. The block looks fun.

  3. I have done some FMQ the last couple of years, and yes, I started with stippling.

    Your block in Quiltmaker magazine is good-looking!
    I try to use solids as much as I can, but I own more prints than solids.

  4. I don't work with solids much but will often use muted prints for backgrounds. I like the subtlety.

  5. Hi, W0uld love this book. Funny I started out doing meandering and find I am ok with that but scared to do the others, and find them most difficult and foreign to do. Thanks.

  6. I'm very much a beginner and have found loops to come much more naturally than stippling. Would live to check this book out! Thanks!

  7. Yes, I started with stippling. Leah Day's website was a great starting point for me. I tried lots of her basic patterns and gradually built up my repertoire.
    I have recently bought a lot of bright homespun colours to try some modern quilting styles. Can we find a better name than "modern"? Love the style - hate the name. Email

  8. I enjoy solids...mostly hand dyed. I do very geometric quilting.

  9. I too ventured into FMQ with stippling and not with great results. Would love to give it a go again learning more contemporary techniques. The book sounds perfect.

  10. When I did my first FMQ project I had no clue that was something difficult. It was a Christmas table topper with HSTs (and broadcloth!!). I used the designs in the fabric - candy canes, Angels, trees, etc. it really looked good.
    My stash includes mostly prints and batiks. There are batiks that look like solids.... I am adding solids to my stash.
    Congrats Cindy!

  11. I am practicing FMQ every day. I really want to get really good at it. This book sounds like I really need it. I love your block that you did for Quiltmakers

  12. I do use some solids mixed with other fabrics. I started FMQ with a scallop design, and then moved into loops and flowers. I am still very much a beginner at it, though! Thanks for the chance to win the book and the magazine!

  13. So far, I am not a free motion quilter at all. However, this book might just change that! I really just need to take a deep breath and get started.

  14. I am a free motion newbie But, the more I read and classes I go to I realize it will be a matter of practice.

  15. I did start FMQ with stippling but never do it anymore! There are so many other fun FMQ designs to play with these days...though I do find myself returning to pebbles and feathers quite frequently...
    And I love your blocks, combining solids with AMH prints!

  16. I have tried over the years to free motion quilts from stipples to feathers. Not really happy with any even though I have several finished quilts. Maybe going back to basis is what I need!

  17. Wanderlust is terrific! As for FMQ, I too tried stippling and had no success. Then I tried little much better! Thanks for the chance!

  18. Great block. I am not good at FMQ. Will do something small but send my quilts to a professional long arm quilter. Would love to get the book for guidance.

  19. I do work with solids sometimes. Your mini is a great way to keep the focus on beautiful large prints - thanks for the inspiration!

  20. I am a free motion quilter. I have never tried a stippling design. I always challenge myself with designing the quilting to fit the quilt.

  21. I love all the color choices in the solids, and I use them in combination with prints.

  22. Free-motion quilting is fun. I've tried stippling. While I haven't mastered it yet, I'm continuing to improve.
    Batiks are my favorite fabric for quilts. Second favorite: Tone-on-tone prints. Solids are so-so. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

  23. Very cute block! I never did machine quilting until now.

  24. i love working with solids! have made several amish style quilts and have an elfa drawer full of solid scraps that i go to frequently when inspiration strikes....cute little mini quilt!

  25. I am working on FMQing myself. I make a few strides but then something usually goes a bit wrong so then I do other things and come back to it. I do like to sew solids. I find that if I am supposed to work in solids all I can think is prints and if I am supposed to do prints I think solids. I am amazed I ever get anything done. :)

  26. I love solids as much as I do prints!! I often use them both in one project!!
    Thanks for the giveaway

  27. I will never forget my first stippling lesson...I struggled and struggled as my non sewing sister picked it right up. But now I live with no fear of free motion quilting. I just won a fat quarter pack of Moda solids and I cannot wait to play with it. Great block, great post!

  28. I have solids in my future, but right now it's prints!

  29. I am pretty new to free motion quilting but like the challenge.

  30. I came here for the Quiltmaker's Block giveaway, so I'll start by saying that I have just started using solids only, in wallhangings, and I love them. Next I need to make a whole bed quilt out of solids, maybe for one of the teens on my list.

    And I have just started machine quilting, straight lines only. I really like the look.

  31. Love working with solids, prints and a combo of both. Thanks!

  32. Wow love the block and will put the free motion book on my list. Great information.

  33. I am mostly a straight line quilter but would really love to expand on that a bit. and i mostly user prints or tone on tones but lots of white backgrounds!

  34. I don't like solid... I prefer fun prints or batiks! Great block and thanks for the chance to win!!

  35. I've done a little FMQ/stippling!
    I love working with solids!!
    Great block BTW!

  36. Congrats on your fun quilt block! And RE: fmq...YES I started with stippling and failed miserably! (And took it all out!) I've tried other patterns with more success though I'm still not 100% comfy with fmq and rarely use it on a large project.

  37. The book sounds as if maybe it was written for me, as well! The whole stippling thing . . . yikes!! Your block is fun and unique -- great job! I'll be looking at logos differently, from now on! I love solids and prints -- both by themselves and mixing 'em up! :)

  38. I enjoy both prints and solids, depending upon the look I want in the finished block.

  39. I use both, but I definitely use more solids - I love the look! Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  40. I like to use solids, but end up using more prints. Maybe another goal for this upcoming year--more solids. Your block would help to use up those large print fabrics I sometimes in my stash. Thanks. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

  41. What a fun story about how you and Molly met!! And I love your Quiltmaker block :-)

  42. I am not a free motion quilter yet but I am going to learn. Your block is pretty and looks fun to make. I use a combination of prints and solids.

  43. The only FMQ I now how to do is stippling/meandering. Thanks for the chance to be in the drawing.

  44. I enjoy fmq, so much so that I've burned out several domestic machines doing it! Last Christmas, we invested in an industrial machine for me and it was the best. thing. ever! I did start out stippling and I don't remember it being ackward, but I'm sure starting with something smaller and more simple would be a much better idea!

  45. I thought stippling was a starting point too. I am so intimidated by the FMQ. My mind goes blank when I look at a whole quilt. ;-)

    Congratulations on getting your great block published. It is such a great magazine - full of inspiration. I have been using more and more solids and am enjoying them.

  46. Congrats on having your block published! I have never seen one in person, but this magazine seems as if it should be in every quilt library... all 10 of them!

    1. My finger was a little too quick.... I enjoy using both prints and solids in my projects. I have yet to make an all solids quilt, but it's coming!

  47. I have tried stippling a little, not very good at it. I can do loops ok. I have a stack of quilt sandwiches next to my machine and every time I sit down to sew I try to practice a little, not pretty. I would so like to be able to fmq some tops I have done but am to scared to try. I really like sewing with batiks, usually I all use. That is so exciting to have your block published. Congrats.

  48. I like to mix and match prints and solids, although lately I've been leaning towards blenders.

  49. I started with stippling and haven't gotten too much farther! It's kind of my go to especially if I'm in a hurry to finish

  50. I'm not a free motion quilter, because it tends to not work with me :(, I adore free motion..., but I don't know what's wrong with me :(- depends on what do I have in mind I use prints and solid!

  51. I mainly do straight line grid quilting with my walking foot, but I would love to learn to free motion quilt.
    I have made one quilt using all solids.

  52. I think I enjoy quilting with prints most. I have liked what I have seen of quilts with just solids but prints add so much more.

  53. I do a little free motion but mostly a hand quilter!

  54. #1) I have tried free motion quilting and it was stippling. Let me tell you, that was a disaster! LOL. :-)

    #2) I prefer prints or fabrics that reads as solids.

    PS Congrats on your Wanderlust block!

  55. Free motion - just starting to play with it, love all the different designs I see. Just did practice, not even stippling, just all over looping, straight, e's. This book sounds wonderful. I would love to do FMQ on my current project, this book sounds like it would help me along in the process.

  56. I mostly work with prints, but I'm going to put some solids into my next quilts,

  57. I like to mix solids with prints. I love blenders. Lovely block and congrats.

  58. HI,yes I love to FMQ and have been doing it on all my baby charity quilts! I tried stippling+not to happy with that look; mostly I do a vine with heart-shaped leaves. Thanks for sharing!

  59. Double the fun here :-) I do free motion quilting and yep...started with the stipple! Not easy on a domestic machine. I happily moved onto a longarm.
    Your Quiltmaker's 100 Block is lovely and perfect for some free hand stitiching! I usually sew mostly with prints but the solids show off the quilting.

  60. Before I did free motion, I practice with pencil and paper. I do the stippeling on a domestic machine. It's works

  61. I may have started with free motion quilting but now find whatever I doodle to be the most natural free motion design. Leaves are my go to linear design and spirals with petals work smoothest for me. I rediscovered solids this year and made 4 modern quilts - 3 used 7 of the same rectangular pieced block on a background, the fourth was leftover small pieces from the other three - on a white background.

  62. I started FMQ with echo quilting and cursive loops. This book looks great and I really hope I win! Thaks for the opportunity!

  63. I am new to free motion quilting so I will have to check out your book! I like using both solid and print fabrics...I like being able to coordinate them and bring out the pattern and prints with solids.

  64. I don't use a lot of actual solids, I use tonals more that give a bit more subtle depth. I do use tonals and solids with prints, they seem to set each other off wonderfully. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!

  65. I started with stippling! Boy, did I learn a lot about bottom tension with that gig! Always looking for ways to get better at it. I primarily use prints, mostly because they "talk" to me. I am enjoying mixing them with solids, though, really gives dimension to the designs. I really like your block, it lends itself to any fabric!

  66. I usually stay away from solids, but am starting to rethink this. I use them mostly in scrap quilts but am starting to be swayed.

  67. I tend to gravitate toward Batiks more than just solids. I like their look better. I do add some small solids to things though but not big on using them.

  68. I work with prints because I have lot of them but am trying to incorporate more solids. I really like the modern look with large spaces for the quilting to shine.

  69. I use mainly prints but every once in a while I go to my plain fabric and use them for accents. With the line from USA cottons, I may use them more. Thanks for sharing your block.

  70. Your block is easy enough for me to make. It would make a great quilt. I enjoy working with both solids and prints. Some days, it may just be solids only and then again prints with solids. Thank you for being a part of this Blog Hop and giving all of us a chance to win this awesome collectable magazine.

    Sandi Timmons

  71. I haven't used many solids, but with all the patterns showing them, I will probably use them I the near future.

  72. Congratulations on having a block in the magazine, Cindy! I use mostly prints and batiks. I'm slowly trying to raise my stash of solids.

  73. Your block is lovely! I use solids and prints in my quilts. I have taken 2 free motion classes and still have trouble free motion quilting. I usually try stippling but think I'll try something else. Of course practice helps but for some reason I don't like to practice. Thanks for a chance to win.

  74. Congratulations and thank you for the giveaway. Beautiful block. I do like to use solids and prints in my quilts.I think a combination of them both makes the project so pretty. I have never tried free motion quilting. I have been wanting to learn, but it looks so hard.

  75. What a great book! I need all the help I can get! And your block is very cute! Sometimes it doesn't rain but it pours!

  76. For ebook giveaway -- I started with stippling and did a LOT of it. Now I'm trying to learn some other designs. I've had some success with spirals.

  77. For magazine giveaway -- I use prints and solids together. I love the look of some of the all solids quilts I've seen but haven't tried one yet.

  78. I did start with stippling for the FMQ. That is all I ever saw at first. I have taken some classes to branch out.

  79. I have not used solids much in quilting. But lately I have seen more and more pretty quilts either using all solids or a combination. So I want to try some quilts.

  80. I usually stick to prints with a tone on tone for background. Sometimes I will use solids

  81. I prefer prints, but I would like to start incorporating solids.
    dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

  82. I am a free motion quilter. I use a tight stippling most often on my quilts. Just love the texture it gives!

  83. I'm just getting back into quilting, so I haven't tried FMQ yet. I really want to though! I admit that I find stippling intimidating. It's good to know I don't "have" to start with that.

  84. I'm just getting the nerve up to try some FMQ. I usually stick to FMQ in my borders. Thanks for the chance to win :)
    Debby E
    samtaylorcjsmimi (at) yahoo (dot) com

  85. I love working with solids. I have some of Kaffe Fassets shot cottons that I am anxious to use in a project. Thanks for sharing your lovely block.

  86. I have worked with solids but usually combined with a print. This past spring I made an orange and blue lap quilt for a graduation gift for a friend graduating with a Phd from the University of Illinois which was all in solids. Nancy:

  87. I 've worked with solids on a few projects, and sometimes just using a different line can give me a texture combination that is pleasing. Like most, I generally use a combination of solids and patterns.
    Thanks for sharing you block. it's wonderful.

  88. I have worked a little with solids. I like your block which mixes the large print w/ the solid. Very pretty. Also, as for free motion quilting, I have just dabbled in it, and hope to learn more. I have not tried stippling yet. Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Cynthia

  89. I'm working on upping my FMQ game and it's going well - I'm so happy for books that help folks start and then grow in their skills like this one seems to.

    I love both prints and solids and use both in quilts. On their own, blended, it really depends on the project.

  90. I mostly work with scraps, so my fabric is varied. Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. Wow-both giveaways are awesome! I do all my own quilting and have been free-motion quilting for a year now and have A LOT to learn. I use solids sparingly unless the background screams for it LOL! Subtle prints can almost look solid (like blenders) and I tend to use them more.

  92. I rarely use solids, but, they are starting to come into play more. I lean more toward prints.

  93. Cute block - Congrats on being published! I tend to use more prints than solids but do try to use some. Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of the 10th edition. :)
    Debby E
    samtaylorcjsmimi (at) yahoo (dot) com

  94. I'm a free motion quilter on my Bernina 440QE and my Janome plain old home sewing machine. I started machine quilting by quilting in the ditch; then went to outline quilting, and finally stippling. Have taken some video lessons and a workshop on free motion quilting and really enjoy working on small quilting projects.

  95. I love mixing solids with my prints. I have used them for nearly 30 years of quilting in some way shape or form I am really glad there are more available then there used to me.

  96. Forgot to mention i like doing "whole cloth" solid pieces and use prints for the backing.

  97. I definitely love solids and have lots of them in my stash.

  98. I also started FMQ with stipples.
    I mix solids and prints all the time.

  99. I use a mixture of prints, batiks and solids. Depends on what I'm making and for whom. As far as FMQ I have done straight line, outlining and some terrible wavy lines. I'm sure you have figured out by now that I need all the help I can get.

  100. I am actually trying to learn Free Motion Quilting. Have a wonderful day.
    dawnm1993 at gmail dot com

  101. I don't normally use prints unless I am using a busy print that needs taming.

  102. Free motion quilting is on my list of 'Must learn to do' - but I am a bit of a chicken.

  103. I started with stippling as a free motion quilter and am now experimenting with other ideas. A good source is reading the posts from Leah Day on her Free Motion Quilt Project blog and from Lori Kennedy of the In Box Jaunt.

    Love the block. I usually use prints and tone-on-tone but am seeing a lot more solids that are calling to me.

  104. I enjoy working with both solids and prints. I'm an equal opportunity fabric lover.

  105. Am just learning FMQ...& have only done test squares..which have turned into potholders for my kitchen! lol would love this book!!

    Love your block! Super job! I like prints & solids... have never used only solids in a quilt (YET! giggle)

  106. congratulations. I have to force my self to work only with solids. LOL Prints are my thing with solids as accents. I just started teaching myself to FMQ. I just started moving and moving and moving. LOL it is a lot of fun. But I have a long ways to go still.

  107. I have few solid colors, most are prints. With the availability of such good colors and blenders I think it is time to a solid collection.

  108. Stippling is the first and only free motion quilting I have done.

  109. I have started using more and more solids, and am tending to prints that read as solids.

  110. I've been free motion quilting for about a year (on a treadle!) and yes, I did start with stippling, and that's still what I mostly do. I like to use solids, but I usually combine them with tone-on-tones. I really like your block!

  111. I'm pretty new to FMQ. I have tried stippling and it's okay if I'm doing a doll's quilt or something small. My stippling is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch high. I keep trying to make myself enlarge it but haven't had any luck, so I stay only with wavy lines. I could really use a book or a class on FMQ. thelady at

  112. I enjoy working with solids and prints alike. Mainly what I might have in my stash. Not sure how to leave contact info. I know my name will be drawn!! LOL.

  113. I have mostly prints in my stash but like the new AMB fabric because it is all American. I have some of that and will continue to support that brand.

  114. I have used solids, but I mix them with prints.

  115. I love mixing solids with prints

  116. I have done a little stippling, but usually stick to quilting in the ditch.

  117. I rarely used solids in the past, but am becoming addicted to them. Thanks.

  118. I started out with stippling but took a class and discovered more options. I am just starting to use solids to practice my free motion quilting.

  119. I do FMQ but have only quilted baby quilts. I didn't start with stippling because when I practiced, I would end up in a corner or someplace else that I couldn't get out of without having to stop, lift my needle, and move to a new spot. I have done a little bit more recently.

  120. I certainly do free motion quilting. It is most enjoyable way to complete my work... Love your block.

  121. Yes, I free motion quilt. And yes, I started with a stipple! I can actually do one decently, but it's still not totally comfortable.

  122. Congrats on Wanderlust. I mostly work with prints but I do use solids too. I actually hope to start an all-solid quilt soon!

  123. Yes, I did start FMQ with stippling. I'm trying to branch out with a few different patterns. Thanks.

  124. Solids or prints? I actually prefer prints that read as solids. Thanks again.

  125. 1. I would call myself a free motion quilter. I started with stippling, but it seemed easy for me. I quickly graduated to pebbles, feathers, and fire.
    2. I like both, but often find it easier to work with solids. I love shot cottons.

  126. I need that book, lol! Terrified of FMQ!

  127. I'm still very new to sewing so my quilting skills are definitely sub par! I pretty much get it sewn together but I'm not very good.
    I love your block and the AMH I see is a beautiful fabric! I pretty much love solids and prints but prints seem to hide my screw ups more! LOL! Thanks for the giveaways!

  128. Having a longarm made my beginning quilting very easy! I think I have done 2 projects that were I rarely use it on anything, it any way!! Actually, I think doing loops is much easier because you can cross a quilting line and not get in trouble with the quilt police! If you happen to pick my comment for the FMQ book, please choose another who is afraid of it!! Now, if you happen to pick me for the 100 Blocks book, that one I could really use!!! Love your bock and the great quilt they make together!!

  129. I like working with solids & have made several quilts with them, usually using white as the background.

  130. Fun block! I rarely use solids--I love scrappy print quilts.

  131. I'm still learning and can always use some really good advice!

  132. I have not tried free-motion quilting yet; I also usually use prints

  133. Well this is pretty awesome - a two for one deal! I do fmq and I started with stippling. I don't find it that easy either. Recently I have been using templates to draw continuous line patterns and then sewing them. That is working much better. I'd love to have that book!

  134. I love FMQ and yes, I started with stippling. It wasn't pretty at first, but with practice it has gotten a lot better. I have just started using solids in my quilting and I love the results. Thanks for both giveaways and your block is great.

  135. When I first started quilting (25 yrs. ago) I didn't know that you used anything BUT solid colors.Since I know better now....I seldom use any solids now. Love your block.

  136. I have never done any free motion quilting....would love to have the book so I can try it.

  137. Thank you for the giveaways! I don't free motion quilt, but I'd love to start. I don't tend to be attracted to solids, but I've found that I've been using them more and more, especially when sewing quilts for my children.

  138. I do love to work with prints. But I also think solids add style and dimension to a quilt. Thanks!

  139. I have taken a basic machine quilting class; but have yet to do a quilt with what I learned. Afraid of damaging my quilt lol. I prefer to work with prints and use tone on tones for my solids.

  140. I am a free motion quilter, but I'm not very good at it. I started quilting in the ditch, then did a little free motion throughout the quilt. Not really stippling. I need a lot of practice :-(

  141. I have used some solids, but would like to make a quilt with nothing but solids!! genipickens at gmail dot com

  142. I work mostly with prints. I don't have many solids but will occasionally add a solid in my quilt.

  143. I enjoyed your blog. Very down to earth. I haven't attempted much free motion, yet the couple times I have I've done both loops and stippling.

  144. I do FMQ and yes, I did start with stippling. I like prints for my quilts more than solids. Some quilts look good in solid, but I like the texture and depth that prints give.

  145. I'm working with solids on Vice Versa quilt. I like the solid idea, but not the fabric I'm working on.....too slick.

  146. I would love Molly's book. I met her at Market this year and I think she's wonderful too. Thanks.

  147. I'd love to have the Free Motion book. Congrats on having your block included in the new 100 Blocks publication.

  148. I think my first free-motion quilting was a leafy vine. I don't work with solids too often.

  149. A really fun block to try!
    I haven't sewn anything with solids yet.

  150. I am a novice. I did begin with stippling and I've graduated to loops. woohoo

  151. I have not had the nerve to attempt free motion quilting. I want to try. I love the look and all that can be accomplished.

  152. I do FMQ and yes it was Stippling. BATIKS, which can read "print-y"?

  153. I love the wood design fm your book. I try FMQ almost every day. I still have to practice before I attempt a design on a quilt.

  154. I have no trouble using solids, I love all fabrics, Thanks for sharing, Kathy in Colo repzjr at plains dot net

  155. I'm working on being a FMQer! I started with stippling, and I think I do that pretty well! I have difficulty making my motifs stay the same size when I try other shapes. But, I sure am bored with stippling! I could use some instruction and coaching from this book!

  156. I love the look of solids, but they scare me! Which to buy first, won't any mistakes show up more in solids, and how do I ignore all the lovely prints that call out to me?

  157. I do a lot of free motion quilting. I took a class with Carol Taylor and learned to do many different motifs including, but not limited to meandering. I am always trying to expand my choices and find it's lots of fun.
    I use both solids and prints and now do a lot of scrappy quilts trying to use up an abundance of florals and kids prints.

  158. Yes I started FMQ and quit with the stippling squiggles. I do hope to get started at more FMG and conquer my lopsided and crocked sew lines.

  159. It depends on the project. I've done both. Or combined them. I've leaned more towards prints more recently than I did when I first started.

  160. I've only had one class in FMQ so I'm really a beginner but I really need to get busy and practice. Thanks for the nice giveaway.

  161. I recently took a Free Motion Quilting class and couldn't get my FM foot on my machine so I wasn't able to do anything as the others were trying to stipple. I do need this book to get me started and I need to get my machine and foot into the repair shop to see why it doesn't fit.

  162. I usually use more prints with a few solids mixed in.

  163. I don't have many solids at all and mostly use prints. I've seen some really beautiful quilts all made in solids so I want to start using them too. This issue looks like fun.

  164. I started FMQ with stippling...couldn't do anything else for years. Now I'm getting more and more adventurous...I've even tackled a few feathers!

    Love working with solids...I just finished my first quilt using all solid I have to figure out how I'm going to FMQ it.

  165. I choose prints... I have difficulty working solid blocks of color into a block and feeling comfortable with the outcome.

  166. I am a new quilter and have only done straight line quilting. I am not confident enough yet to try FMQ....I think Molly's book would be a big help.

  167. I'm a beginner at FMQ. The first design I tried was just loops.

  168. I like to mix solids with prints.

  169. I do some fmq, and yes I was taught to stipple first!

  170. I am a new FMQ. my first design was straight lines both directions on a small scale. Needed quilted material for a project and this gave me practice. I want to do more and learn more. I have a Baby Lock Tiara a gift from my wonderful husband. I need to learn to use it better so I can make more. I would love Molly's book as well as the 100 blocks. Love this blog hopping. It is great. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  171. wow, that's a lot! I've tried FMQ once.....I think I need her book! I've tried to work with solids, and I think with some patterns they work well...but I find I prefer at least a mottled tone on tone rather than a flat solid....

  172. I work with whatever fabric grabs my attention and is good quality. Solids are great anytime, and I particularly love tone-on-tone marbles and tone-on-tone blenders. I love using tone-on-tone prints for backgrounds (like cream calicoes). I like my block designs to shine, so I don't usually choose big loud prints for the blocks.
    Love your block--reminds me of jewels

  173. I'm a confident and getting experienced beginner. I'm getting better at FMQ. My first FMQ was wavy lines and loops, then flames, then swirls and paisleys. I love my walking foot. I do it all on my little domestic Bernina ! I really enjoy Angela Walter's Craftsy classes...she has really helped me become better at FMQ and a more confident quilter.

  174. I like to use a combination of both prints and solids in my quilts.

  175. I have not done FMQ :) New quilter and it is a goal for the new year!

  176. This sounds like this book was written for me, too, everything you said is exactly where I've been. I am still trying to free motion quilt, so I need this book!

  177. I usually mix solids and prints-rarely use just one or the other. Haven't tried FMQ yet! Still learning piecing! Would like to try though!

  178. I am just starting to learn FMQ. Starting with loops and wavy lines

  179. I like to mix up prints and solids. They play well together. I like your block. Great place for some fussy cutting. I'm just starting to do my own FMQ.

  180. I am new at quilting and would love to learn free motion quilting

  181. I would love to be better at the quilting part of making a quilt. The quilting really enhances teh patchwork and I am always so afraid of ruining my hard work with the patchwork!!!

  182. I usually use prints, sometimes using solids as background fabric.

  183. I use "solid prints" for my solids and generally stick with prints.

  184. I just did my first FMQ and it was stippling boy do I need that book
    Congratulations on your block I like the use of solids but I usually use tone on tones that look like solids.

  185. Upon thinking about it I think I usually use prints for most of my quilts. I do love the quilts I've seen using all solids so maybe someday I will try it. I have done about 3 small projects using stippling but would love to check out the book and further explore my abilities.

  186. Now that I think about it (since you asked!), I rarely sew with solids. I prefer the tone on tone if it's one color, just so I have a pattern. I need to venture into that solid corner more!

  187. I love FMQ and would recommend this book to any beginner free-motion quilter and those who think they can't. Great way to learn FMQ.

    Congratulations on your block being in Quiltmakers 100 blocks. It is a lovely block with a modern flare that looks like it would be fun to create a quilt using your design.


  188. I haven't done much free-motion quilting but I plan to give it a try for my next quilt.

    Congratulations on having your block in the 100 Block blog hop. I like to use a combination of prints and solids.
    wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

  189. I'm right there with you on the FMQ thing Cindy. I've been trying to be brave this week and quilt my QuiltCon entry. Needless to say I know it can be much much more than what I've managed to do. But hey, I gotta start somewhere right. Would love to win this book and maybe get over my FMQ phobia. Just saw your block in the magazine today too. Congrats all around for the block and the quilt in Modern Patchwork. Great work!!!

  190. I have done some free motion. Would love to become more skilled with it. Love your block!

  191. I would really love to learn to quilt on my sewing machine. That sounds like it could be my New Years resolution.

  192. This book is on my Christmas list! I must know everything! :) also, I prefer prints.

  193. What great blocks -- I look forward to seeing more of your back-posts (and new posts from now on!).

  194. I long arm quilt a little but mt stippling sucks! Yes, I love solids especially Moda Bella

  195. I have just started using solids on my projects recently -- love the effect.


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