
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Really Random Thursday, 3/23/17

So. Where was I? Oh, yes. When last I wrote, I was at a quilting retreat put on by the local quilt shop, Quilters Paradise. It was such fun and I actually got something accomplished. Jennifer always makes place cards for us.
The quilt shop gives us a few little things. One was a journal with the cover that looked like a vintage pattern. Isn't this cool?
Usually we stay at the cabins which are part of the resort where the retreat is held. However, a good friend, Marilyn, attended the retreat for the first time this year. She has a beautiful cabin just down the road, and that is where we stayed this year. We sure hope she attends every year from now on, as her cabin seemed so luxurious.
Mark had remodeled the kitchen quite a few years ago--just when high-gloss white cabinets were available. It still looks so clean and modern.
She has a beautiful view of the lake.
The retreat ends about 2 p.m. on  Sunday afternoon. However, this weekend, snow was in the forecast for Sunday. In the years we have been fortunate enough to have snow during the weekend while we are sewing, it is like being in a snow globe. However, I'm a fair weather driver. I was hesitant to think about driving home on Sunday in the snow, so I bailed and drove home Saturday night. Marilyn sent me pictures of the cabin from Sunday morning--a virtual postcard.

But I was happy to be home when I received these pictures.

At both retreats, I gave a trunk show of my solid quilts. It was such fun. I'm always shocked to say that public speaking is fun, as I have spent my entire life actively avoiding public speaking of any type. However, when the topic is something you are passionate about, it seems to make all the difference in the world.

Some of the quilts I showed:
 Neon Ninja Star
 Amish Charm
Under the Big Top
This is always everyone's favorite.
Animal Planet (on loan from grandson, Gabriel)
Aftermath of the trunk show--

One of the few known pictures in existence of me with a microphone in my hand.
Kona Color Card

Our group--we had such fun.
L to R: Jennifer, me, Marilyn, Vicki, Dotty, Jullie

My 2008 Honda Pilot, purchased in January 2008, turned over to 62,000 miles.
We went to Morgan Hill, California, not too far from Santa Cruz, a couple of weeks ago so Mark could ref a game. It was such fun. I don't normally get to see him in action.

Time with these two is always fun. Snack time at the bookstore is even better.

My brother lives in Washington, D.C., and one of these years Mark and I want to go during cherry blossom time. However, D.C. has nothing on us when it is time for the fruit trees to blossom.
Aaron and Christa recently moved to a new house. It was a little stressful for a few days as they had to be out of their house on a Saturday but didn't get keys to the new house until late the following Tuesday afternoon. They seem to be settling in nicely. I found this on the whiteboard calendar in our laundry room, written by Charlotte.
It has a pool too. The water sure isn't warm yet, but that didn't stop the kids from jumping in that first afternoon.
 Some neighborhood mallard ducks seem to enjoy the pool too.
Snack time with Gabe.
Snack time with Charlotte.
You might remember that people have a hard time spelling her name correctly. We were both impressed with the guy at Starbucks. He got it right without asking. We had to document it. We think he must know a Charlotte in real life.

My friend, Elizabeth, googled "medallion quilts" the other morning. This is what showed up in her search and she shared it with me--my Marcelle Goes to the Circus quilt!!
Do you ever feel like this?
The clouds the other night were so beautiful.
Don't forget--it's not too late to go to Instagram and comment on @tokodots and @liveacolorfullife for a chance to win a set of notecards:
My final thoughts:
The reason is because:

Great cross stitch pattern by Elise Ross of Spruce Craft Co.--she has instant downloads here.

Check back tomorrow. There just might be some March Madness mayhem going on around here. :)


  1. I do love your really random Thursdays. When we moved to North Carolina-23 years ago-I thought that since there was a city named Charlotte I had a better chance of getting my named spelled correctly. No such luck. Love the pictures of the snow. so pretty.

  2. Looks like a wonderful weekend retreat!

  3. Catching up yet again with blog reading and always love these little peeks into your world.

  4. Love the solids quilt show! I am getting myself psyched up to make one of my own, so I pinned a couple of yours I hadn't seen before! I agree with the five days after the weekend are the hardest too, but Friday seems to drag the most!

  5. That's a lot for one blog post! Don't know where to begin commenting, except I really do like the Animal Planet quilt, too :) So fun!

  6. The snow looks beautiful, but I would have been bailing out on Saturday too. Loved seeing all of your quilts.

    The little ones will love the pool. Summer will be delightful for them.

  7. It's great catching up with all your doin's Cindy! I had to smile smugly to read that you now think it's not so bad - even fun! - to speak to a group about quilts. :-) I remember when you were SO reluctant and nervous to do that. I'm glad you've found that it isn't so bad, after all. I love to speak and teach, and have missed my local opportunities to do both since the Lifelong Learning College shut down. Those snow pictures looked great. I would have hung around just for being able to reminisce about living and driving in snow... and that would have made me appreciate Florida even more! Weird thinking I guess.

  8. Great post, and loved the photo of you with the microphone. You are a star!


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