
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I always look forward to the beginning of January. I tend to spend a bit more time clearing things away, organizing, thinking about the new possibilities of a fresh year ahead.

I've been giving a lot of thought to things I would like to change, to accomplish, to restructure.

From a creative perspective, there are projects that have been started long ago, and 2018 seems like a good year to complete them.

The Mid Century Modern bee that I started several years ago gave me not only friendships, but many beautiful blocks. The blocks need to become completed quilts.
A lot of my projects are portable and easy to work on when I'm away from home or unwinding in the evening.

Knitting and crocheting are good for my soul. It would be wonderful to have these projects completely finished this year as well.

My first set of socks--long on the bucket list. I have been using Amanda Jean's go-to pattern. I got stuck at the heel section, but all I need to do is give her a call and she will walk me through it. (That just struck me as kind of funny...)
These knitted log cabin blocks (I have 20 of them) were completed a couple of years ago. I would love to snuggle under this afghan. They just need to be knit together.
The ends of yarn from each color change just need to be woven in so I can crochet the border of this ripple afghan.
I'm slowly working on this--I think it will be a beauty when it's finished.
English paper piecing has captured my heart as well. I was hoping to have my large-scale hexie quilt completed by the end of 2017, but then I got stuck on the awkwardness of sewing the large sections together. It's high on the list for the beginning of 2018. I love every.single.fabric in this project and it deserves to be finished. I just need
Smaller projects are waiting in the wings. There is no particular deadline for these. I'm just enjoying the process.

There are so many quilt ideas floating around in my head, and I'm hoping that 2018 is the year that I start working on some of them. My goal in that regard is simple.
I'm not putting a lot of expectations on what needs to get done. No pressure to meet deadlines--I want to get back to the joy of sewing and creating, just sewing for the fun of it.

Along those lines, I have long been thinking about the impact of social media and its drain on me, not only in terms of time but also creativity.

So if I were to choose a word for 2018, it would be "unplug." I want to be present, present for my family and friends. Relationships are like plants--you can talk about caring for them, watering, feeding--but unless you actually do it, they will shrivel up and die. It takes time and commitment.  It requires making a plan to spend time with the people you care about, up close and personal. It means actually picking up the phone, dialing a number, and talking to that person who means a lot to you, not just texting or emailing. I know it seems a bit ironic that I'm writing this down in a blog post and then sharing it on Instagram and Facebook, but I want to unplug from those things that are using valuable time, and plugging into those things that feed my soul.

How about you? Do you "reboot" in the new year?


  1. I think those MidCentury Modern blocks must have happened before I discovered you. There are some real beauties there, I hope I see the end result of those.

    I greatly enjoy your posts, but understand that desire to 'unplug'. I'm sorry if I missed it, are you eliminating some/all of your social media presence or just dialing things back?

  2. Oh my gosh!! Seeing your handkerchief girls made me want a set of them all over again. When I saw yours I spent hours trying to find a scrap somewhere with none to be found!!! I just love them. Your piecing is lovely!

  3. How ironic! I was working on my Gridster Bee quilt last night and thinking back over all the bee quilts I've made. I had no idea you hadn't finished any of the Mid-Century ones! Please do not reply to this comment! Let's spend more time sewing!

  4. I loved reading this post! I love the new year for the same reasons. Time to reflect and regroup and hopefully recharge. I look forward to walking (hahaha! You are so clever) you through the heel flap. It’s not too bad. ❤️ Happy New Year my friend! Here’s to a year of fun sewing! And knitting and crocheting, too!

  5. I love the giddiness the prospects of the new year bring! After only 2 years on IG, I can relate to your feeling of needing to unplug. I don't think I experienced quite the same kind of thing when I was reading blogs and blogging more. I haven't come to any definite conclusions, but I am thinking some of the same kinds of thought, going into this year! Here's to a happy one😊

  6. I really really need to unplug! I wish I could find the willpower!

  7. Love everything about everything you’ve said! Your knitting projects are beautiful and I hope to see more of them! I think unplugging and enjoying moments gives me more pleasure and joy when it comes to sharing of social media. I should do more of that this year too. I’m also planning on writing letters, something I used to love doing. Happy 2018 Cindy!

  8. I've been saving this post to reread and finally am commenting. You and I are on the same page is so many ways. I too love getting my thoughts together for the new year. I've been working through my goals for 2018, but was reminded recently that goals without a plan are just wishes. So part of my plan is to unplug more often. Spend less time surfing social media. More time making. Next. We need to talk for real. : )


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