
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Really Random Thursday, 1/21/21

Let's begin with this.

Yesterday Mark and I watched the inauguration coverage for hours. I don't remember watching more than snippets of it in years past. It was historic in many ways. Coming from California, I had some reservations about Kamala Harris as choice for vice president. So I pray for our new leaders (as I would regardless of their party affiliation). I wish I could eloquently express the feelings I had yesterday, so I'll just say this: I pray that we can soften our hearts to those around us.

I saw this quote  by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.: "The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply." Good words to carry forward in this new year.

I read someone say that it would be extremely hard to upstage Lady Gaga, JLo and Garth Brooks, but an amazing 22-year-old, poet laureate Amanda Gorman most surely did. The words of her poem, the Hill We Climb, captured the moment, and so many of them resonated deeply with me.

Here are some of my favorites.

We've learned that quiet isn't always peace

We close the divide because we know, to put our future first, we must first put our differences aside

We lay down our arms so we can reach out our arms to one another

Mark brought me a bouquet that included some of the most amazing lilies.

I've been destashing fabric along with some quilt blocks. I made about 20 of these quilt blocks quite a few years ago, and finally decided I had lost interest in them. So I gave them to my friend, Dotty, who already is making a plan.

Photo: Christa Wiens

I have spent most of December and half of January curled up in the corner of the couch, working on this scarf. It was from Jimmy Beans Wool, "Craftvent 2020." The crocheted version was a sampler of cable patterns. I didn't even realize you could crochet cables. It was definitely a learning curve for me, and I think I probably crocheted each cable section at least three times. But in the end, I'm super happy with how it turned out. If only it were cold enough here in California to actually wear it. I think those days are past for this year. So now it's back to sewing.

Some days for sure...

What do you see?
I saw connection, alignment, relationships, purpose.

I'll end with this...



  1. When I hit that word scramble I had a good laugh. At first I thought it was a play on how everything has been out of focus lately. I didn't see any words and thought there weren't any until I read your words. Taking a second look the first one I saw was intentions. Hmmm. I'm feeling pretty focused for 2021 and trying to stick with my personal intentions so it makes sense that was the first one I noticed.

  2. No inauguration-watching here. I turned to the Bible for refuge (my 2021 word of the year) and inspiration. The COVID doldrums have set in, unfortunately, partially due to last Tuesday's COVID death of a friend's husband. Even with a vaccine that will prevent this version of COVID, I'm not feeling hopeful about our future with COVID mutations. Hence, my need for refuge. And how sad is it that in the word scramble I saw PU and SAG. Such is life these days.

  3. THANK you! for the palindrome chart. I immediately sent it out to all the kids and Dave, as we've been noticing this for a couple of days.

    Totally agree on the Inauguration--Biden's address was perfect (thankfully no carnage!), and that poem was inspiring and uplifting. (Plus I loved her hair.) I also loved the Field of Flags, and loved that the intent was to represent Americans waving their flags on the Mall. Just loved the whole thing, and thought they did really well considering the covid restrictions. And to think that just two weeks before Trump's supporters stormed the capitol and five were killed. A remarkable comeback for America.

    Love that scarf--oh, my! I would never be able to replicate that. So lovely. So many funny memes--loved the last one with my name :) Great post, Cindy!

  4. Inauguration day was also finally moving day for my parents. I saw snippets late that evening which was also day 2 of shoving boxes around. I felt a little bad about missing much of the event, but reminded myself what a luxury we have to not have to be thinking incessantly about our government again. Hallelujah!


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