Thursday, October 26, 2023

Really Random Thursday, 10/26/23

What a couple of weeks it has been!

It started out great on Friday the 13th. Back in the beginning of  September I bought movie tickets for the premier of Taylor Swift's Eras Movie for Charlotte and me. A couple of reasons: she had been to the concert in Los Angeles, where the movie was filmed, I wanted to see what the hype was all about, and this would be the closest I would probably ever come to attending a Taylor Swift concert.

And then Charlotte decided to go to her high school homecoming game, which was fine, because even as a senior she had never attended one of her high school football games, and it was homecoming. But who would want to see the movie with me? I asked my dear friend, Lotti, who also has a Taylor-obsessed granddaughter, who also had been to the concert in L.A. 

First we had dinner, and then it was movie time. I even made friendship bracelets for us (if you know anything about the concerts, you know friendship bracelets is a thing. According to news reports, that's how Travis Kelce first contacted Taylor:) 

When we were posing for our photo, a young girl looked at us and said, "You two are Swifties??" Pretty funny.

Lotti bought drink cups as souvenirs for our granddaughters. I think we earned some brownie points for that.

My verdict on the movie? I loved it. I'm now a fan. The movie is long--three hours, but it's clean and classy, and the music and costuming are great.
The next day, Mark (who loves music too) decided he'd like to see it. So, something I would never have predicted in a million years, for the second time in less than 24 hours, I was back at Taylor's movie. 

What I didn't really know was that Mark was having pain in his back. What is it with men that they often downplay symptoms and don't say anything about them? He went to the bathroom twice, which I didn't think much about--it was a long movie, and hello, large theater soda. But with about 20 minutes left, he said, "we need to go home now." That night we ended up in the emergency department and he was diagnosed with a kidney stone and sent home with some pain meds. He had a rough couple of days but on Wednesday, he completely stopped urinating. How miserable he was. So it was back to the E.R. where tests showed that there was probably a blockage and some kidney damage. They admitted him for two nights to flush all the toxins out, and sent him home on Friday morning with an indwelling catheter. Ugh. It was removed yesterday and he feels nearly back to normal, and his renal function has returned to normal as well. That's a week we do not want to repeat!


This card arrived in the mail from Aaron and Christa. SO appropriate, and funny.
Inside of the card:

Very true.
And with that, we are looking forward to a much better week...


05 08
Deb Cox said... #

oh cindy, i hope you and mark both have a much better week. what fun to see "the movie". and love your little postcards. thanks for shaing as always.
(-: xo

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

Kidney stones are no joke. I'm so sorry it was a tough week and I hope things are much better now.