Thursday, November 2, 2023

Really Random Thursday, 11/2/23

 Hello, November. Today my father would have been 96 years old! The funniest thing I remember about him and his birthday is that he always thought he was at least five years older than he really was. So I'm sure if he were still around, he would say he never thought he would live to be over 100! The other part of the story is that he always remembered the year he was born. So the next part of the conversation would always be, "I was born in 1927. YOU do the math!" Yep, you are not 100...but we never argued with him. 

Charlotte is a senior this year and has been working countless hours as assistant director of the fall performance, a play based on a true story of two men who collected the works of William Shakespeare to have them printed into a book for future generations.

Then, on top of her duties as AD, a day or two before the first performance, she had to take the place of an actor performing two different characters, and learn all those lines in like 24 hours. She did such an amazing job. No one would have ever guessed she had just learned those lines. Literally the definition of "the show must go on." Super proud of this girl.

Our church had a "trunk or treat" on Sunday afternoon. Here is Jason. He keeps his head shaved now, but at some point he actually had hair like this.
Gabe decided to be Garth from Wayne's World. 

On Halloween night, Aaron and Christa always pull out the firepit to the driveway, and in addition to candy, offer hot cider to the parents of trick-or-treaters. It's such a great tradition. They also make something to eat for family and friends who get to visit together while the kids are out getting candy. 

Besides Gabe's costume, Ruby was definitely one of my favorites--she was a jellyfish. So cute and clever! 

Haha #1

Sorting out the candy...

And if the time comes that I need a costume, I hope I remember to copy this one:

Haha #2

Books I read in October.  You know by now that I always love anything by William Kent Krueger. I'm getting closer to the end of the series and that makes me sad. 
My favorite book this month was Hello Stranger by Katherine Center, an author I really enjoy. This is a story about a portrait artist who sustains a brain injury, causing her to have acquired face blindness, where she does not recognize faces at all. Of course the romance aspect was fun, but the whole idea of face blindness was really fascinating. I listened to the audible version, which I highly recommend as the narrator was superb. Five stars for sure. 
And that's it for the beginning of November. 


05 08
Anne / Springleaf Studios said... #

Charlotte is one talented young woman. Theater was never ever my thing so I'm impressed with anyone who has the courage to get up in front of a crowd. I imagine you must be so proud to see your grands grow into individual people with their own unique talents.

FlourishingPalms said... #

It's fun to see kids celebrating Halloween, and enjoying themselves. Our family was never enthused about it, and now, living in a retirement community, we never have Trick or Treaters. Ah well. Who needs that candy anyway? You sure have cute grandkids, and it's fun to see them digging through the candy they collected. Wow! I appreciate your book list too, and have added Katherine Center's books to my wishlist. Because of you, I suggested to my 93 year-old dad he might like William Kent Krueger. He prefers male authors. Since dad used to work in northern Minnesota, and is familiar with the Boundary Waters area, he's now hooked on WKK books! Every week I hear a blow-by-blow account of the title he's listening to at the moment (not in series order). I'm smiling because I think I've had enough spoiler alerts that I don't need to read them myself! :-)