Thursday, May 2, 2024

Really Random Thursday, 5/2/24

 Hello, May. I love this mural in San Luis Obispo so much. I know my quilt looks like a miniature, but the mural is just so big and fantastic, with such vibrant colors. Even so, I couldn't fit the entire mural in the photo.

This week saw us attending several different events with grandkids. Thursday afternoon, we went to Gabe's baseball game.

A couple of hours later, we attended his band concert. Just like last year, it was held at the middle school that he will be attending next year. His band teacher invites several elementary kids to play with the middle school band, which is quite an honor. I am not exaggerating when I say that the level of musicianship with this group is outstanding. 

So true.

 Also, some days are like this...

Saturday night we attended Charlotte's last theatrical endeavor of her high school career. Each spring, the seniors are in charge of directing a one act play. While Charlotte is amazing as an actor, she really enjoys the behind-the-scenes duties more, and she did a great job of directing her one act play. I can't believe high school is nearly finished for her.

We planted some flowers. These were unfamiliar to me. The white ones are bacopa and the pink ones are argyranthemum. They supposedly both tolerate full sun.

And finally, books I read/listened to in the month of April. There were some really good ones. My least favorite was the Anita De Monte Laughs Last--I nearly stopped about halfway through but persevered just to see how it ended. I chose Kate Morton's Homecoming as my bracket winner for April, although there were several other strong contenders, such as the Golden Spoon and the Last List of Mabel Beaumont. I think I have read all of Kate Morton's books, and she is definitely one of my favorite authors, so she was the winner for April.

Do you have any books to recommend?Because...


05 08
Charlotte M. said... #

I read the Last List of Mabel Beaumont a couple of months ago and I loved it! I jotted down a couple of the titles you read to possibly add to my reading list. I can't believe Charlotte is graduating already, but then, my oldest grandson is too. Where does the time go?

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

I second the recommendation of the Last List of Mabel Beaumont! Looks like a really full and enjoyable week.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said... #

Your grands are growing up! Wishing Charlotte the best in whatever comes next for her after HS. We haven't gotten to the days of grandkid events yet but are wondering what they might be. Sports for sure. I look forward to that time. Your book list is impressive. If you are a Jane Austin fan you might try The Murder of Mr. Wickham or The Late Mrs. Willoughby by Claudia Gray. She writes murder mysteries involving the Jane Austin characters. I stumbled upon The Late Mrs. Willoughby in the library and just finished it. It's actually the second book so I'm going back now to read The Murder of Mr. Wickham.