Thursday, May 23, 2024

Really Random Thursday, 5/23/24

Things are coming to an end for Charlotte's senior year of high school. Saturday night we went to a dance recital at her high school--performances from all the different dance classes. She was part of the jazz class and they danced to Material Girl by Madonna. The whole recital was very enjoyable.

It doesn't seem that long ago that she was the cute little girl on the right.

Other than that, just some things that made me laugh.


05 08
Anne / Springleaf Studios said... #

ahhh...I miss dance recitals. Especially when they are little and kind of clueless about the whole thing. I wish Charlotte much success as she goes forth in life after HS. Love those memes too.

Deb Cox said... #

what a sweet post about charlotte. you have all helped her become such a lovely young woman. be proud.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said... #

Hard to believe that Charlotte is graduating this year. Time seems to fly by. She's such a beautiful and talented young lady and I wish her the best in her next adventures.