Friday, May 24, 2024

Sewing Room Friday, 5/24/24

My latest project began like this. Scrappy strawberry blocks have been trending on Instagram, and then someone did a version that involved setting the blocks in an Irish chain. Weirdly, I have stacks of pink fabric collected over the years, yet I have never made a pink quilt. So it was about time to use some of that fabric.

I spent a few days choosing my favorites, along with low volume prints for the background and green for the leaves. Cutting, cutting, cutting... 

It also involved making a lot of half-square triangle units, so there was much trimming, trimming, trimming...

But then the real fun begins.

My first completed block. Eight more to go...

Yesterday I realized I hadn't accurately counted/cut the number of half square triangles I would need. So more cutting and trimming ensued. Ugh.

In the evenings, I work on my English paper piecing.

Plenty to keep me busy. :)


05 08
Anne / Springleaf Studios said... #

I also have quite a selection of pink fabrics and yet have made only one quilt I'd call pink. I was hoping to make a new baby quilt in pink but that will have to wait as the newest grand on the way is another sweet baby boy. Your strawberries are really cute. And those echinacea blocks are stunning. I love the look of EPP but don't have the motivation to do it. Maybe someday....

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

The strawberry block looks fantastic and I especially love the low volume prints you are working into the background that have lots of coordinating pink. Looks like it's going to be a fun quilt!!

abelian said... #

I love those strawberry blocks! I like the brown chain, and the square in the center of the berry. Dot in NC

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said... #

You always seem to fin something to motivate you. And I really like the way you incorporate fabric from all the years you have been collecting making the project come together so nicely. Counting the triangle blocks can really mess me up, especially when I try to do it at night. Planning is best left for my mornings. Looking forward to more.

Anonymous said... #

Your strawberry quilt will be so pretty! I have that EPP pattern too but haven't attempted it yet. I'm avoiding it because I chose the smaller block size and wish I had chosen the bigger one. One of these days I'll get to it. You have some fun fabrics going there on yours!
kakingsbury at verizon dot net

FlourishingPalms said... #

Your strawberry block is gorgeous! Interesting that they're trending again. I vividly remember the popularity of strawberries back in the late 1980s, as my kitchen wall sported numerous strawberry designs - tole-painted, and counted cross-stitched. I've never made a strawberry quilt, but what a great use for all your pinks. Like me, you switch to hand work in the evenings. Makes complete sense. Your EPP is pretty, but I'm "over" EPP for a while, since finishing my last multi-year project. Your fussy-cutting is beautiful.