Saturday, September 23, 2023

Quilt 247. Bound

 Our very dear friend, Jessie, got married in January 2023 to a really wonderful guy, Timothy. They are both Disney fans. In fact, their ceremony took place at the Disney Grand Californian Hotel. It was a very small ceremony (Mark and I would love to have crashed it, but we did not.) They even had their wedding photos taken inside the park. 

For their wedding quilt, I used a pattern (Quilt Fort) by Laura Loewen, and used a stack of beautiful fabrics I had hoarded for a long time (Modern Solids by Alissa Haight Carlton--I wish they were still available).

I made the entire quilt top at our annual quilting retreat at my friend's cabin near Yosemite. We always drape completed quilt tops over the railing, and I can tell you that it has been years since I have had a finished quilt top to hang on the railing!

Darby used a Mickey/Minnie design. So perfect. And cute!

How cute is this fabric (waiting in my stash for the perfect project)!
I'm particularly pleased with the name of the quilt, Bound, and the symbolism it represents. Jessie and Timothy are now bound together in love. 
Also, as they frequently go to Disneyland, they do something called Disney Bounding. So the quilt name serves a dual purpose. It is also why I used a Disney font. What is Disney Bounding, you ask? You are not allowed to wear a costume into the park if you are over 14 years of age. So fans emulate a character with regular clothing. See how cute they are as Rex and Hamm from Toy Story. 

We took the quilt downtown and photographed it in front of these cool metal sculptures called Acero Picado by Gordon Huether. They have long been on my list.

Jessie and Timothy were scheduled to have lunch with us on their way to the mountains for the weekend, but Timothy had to stay home due to illness. But it was so much fun giving Jessie the quilt in person. (I think she likes it...)

We are so happy for the two of them. 

Quilt Name: Bound
Quilt Pattern: Quilt Fort by Laura Loewen
Made by: Cindy Wiens
Quilted by: Darby Myers
Size: 60" x 65"


05 08
Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

What a beautiful quilt packed full of symbolism and made with such care for them. I'm sorry Timothy was sick and unable to be there for you to gift it to him, and I'm sure they will treasure it!!

FlourishingPalms said... #

Wow! That quilt pattern is great for a wedding gift - "star"ting a new home :-). They're the second couple I know of that married at Disneyland this year. I don't think the other couple wore wedding attire though. Interesting about only under-14s being able to wear costumes to Disneyland... but that makes sense, for security reasons. Well, your generous gift looks like a real winner! Once again, you've done an outstanding job, Cindy!