Friday, September 22, 2023

Sewing Room Friday, 9/22/23

 Let's see. Where did I leave off? Oh yes. I made four totes from the pattern by my friend Krista @poppyprint. I already showed the one I made for Charlotte's friend, Grace, so here are the other three. One is spoken for, but I'm not sure where the other two will go.

While going through my fabric for these totes, I found something hidden deep on a shelf--some original Cotton+Steel canvas called Ruby Star Shining by Melody Miller, circa 2011. It's such a great print, and has my favorite thing--the typewriter. I used a pattern by @crazymomquilts, the Show and Tell bag. It's a nice large tote bag and will be great for hauling things to quilting retreats. And lately I'm in a mode where my favorite color combo is purple/rust/pink with that touch of lime, so this checked all the boxes.

A friend saw the coasters I made Aaron for his birthday and requested a set of six.

As mentioned in yesterday's post, I made a vinyl zipper pouch for Janice. These are fun to make. And I have quite a bit of printed vinyl and fun stripey zippers so I need to make more of them.
I'm nearly done with Gabe's afghan. I wish I had listened to myself when I told Charlotte to weave in the ends of the rows of her temperature afghan as she goes along, rather than waiting until the entire thing is completed. 

When I get tired of weaving in those ends, I procrastinate by knitting a scarf with the beautiful yarn I bought in Skagway, Alaska. 
My biggest accomplishment of the week is that I finished this quilt top, which I have named Lumos. 
I feel like the last couple of weeks have been quite productive. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum.


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Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

It does seem like a very productive week! I love Lumos and how the darker background lets the piecing really shine and glow.

Deb Cox said... #

good heavens cindy, you are putting the rest of us to shame. i sew every evening but cannot keep up with you. but i am content. and love to receive your posts and see your accomplishments. you much be very pleased. your work is always gorgeous and inspirational and thank you so much for sharing with us all out here in blogland! (-: have a splendid day dear lady!

Anonymous said... #

Love your totes. Have you ever made totes out of worn out jeans

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said... #

Speaking of retreats, I expect to see a post soon about another retreat. It seems that you go on one around this time of year. Those totes are lovely but the quilt takes the cake. And weaving the ends in is always hard work, whether on a quilt or knitting.

FlourishingPalms said... #

I'll say you've been productive! As another commenter said, "You put us all to shame," and she's right! And blogging almost daily too! Well, you have every right to be verbose about all your finishes, including the Lumos quilt top. The colors fairly gleam! Your totes are lovely too, but gosh, that's the LAST thing I need... another tote! I have totes stored inside totes! Know what you mean about burying yarn tails, which is exactly why you told Charlotte to bury them as-you-go. I bury-as-I-go too, when I'm knitting or crocheting, which hasn't happened for a long time. Too many quilts I STILL want to make, even after 47 years of quiltmaking! Good grief. I'm THAT old. :-(

WesternWilson said... #

Lumos is absolutely stunning! It goes straight onto the list "quilts I'd like to make"!! Hope you post the final quilted version too. Kudos on Lumos!

WesternWilson said... #

Your Lumos quilt is spectacular!!

WesternWilson said... #

The Lumos quilt is spectacular!! What fabric colour did you use for the background?