Thursday, September 7, 2023

Really Random Thursday, 9/7/23

 Hello, September. This month begins my favorite time of the year. The days have been somewhat cooler in the last week, although I fully expect them to heat up again at least once. I remember one year when we celebrated Charlotte's birthday mid-September and the day was so hot that the frosting on her cupcakes melted. Yikes!
But seriously. How cute is she??! I can hardly believe she is going to be 17. *sigh* They grow up so fast!

So what's been happening in the last few weeks? Not too much.

Mark had another birthday.

I'm completely caught up on binge watching my new favorite show, So Help Me Todd. With the unending writer's strike, who knows when the second season will be available? I might just rewatch Season 1. Yes, it's that good...

For sure...

August was a good month for reading, as it was too hot to do much else. I especially enjoyed some of my favorite authors--William Kent Krueger, Elly Griffiths and Josie Silver. Meet Me at the Lake was an enjoyable read by an author I was not familiar with. I normally am reading a book on my Kindle and listening to a different book on Audible. They are usually different enough that I have no problem keeping the plots differentiated. However, this month I listened to I have Some Questions for You, while reading The It Girl. The plots were so similar that I often had to take a minute to think where the plot was going. And honestly, I didn't really enjoy either one of them that much. 

Jennifer Garner (yes, that Jennifer Garner, with 14 million followers on Instagram) posted some music played by our friend, Michael Neufeld, further proof that he, and his brother, Daniel, are going places in the music industry.
Charlotte and I went to the movies:

and Christa and I tried a new sandwich shop by her office--would highly recommend.

I've sewed quite a few small projects--more on that tomorrow.  I also need to bring my other blog, LACL Quilt Diary, up to date as I realized there are ten quilts I have not documented yet. So expect to see them here as well.

For something fun to do over the holiday weekend, we went out for teppanyaki--always a show. And the food was so good!

What do you do when it's hot outside? 


05 08
Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said... #

Reading is always a good option when it's too hot to be outside much or to quilt. We tend to shift our outdoor time to the late evening when we can stand going for a walk.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said... #

I'm looking for new reads so thanks for posting so many books. I checked out another Kreuger book since I'm all caught up on the Cork series and it turns out I've already read it. I'm going to keep reading it anyway since I don't remember the ending. I read to get my mind off other stuff at bedtime so am prone to being sleepy enough that it doesn't all stick with me. As for staying cool, the mountains are good escape but staying home in my studio is my usual.

FlourishingPalms said... #

How nice to see you and your family celebrating special birthdays. Your Mark is a handsome guy! I haven't heard of that TV show, so will look for it. Thanks! As for books, you and I have a few overlaps. I appreciate you sharing these because I've added a couple of them to my list. I didn't care for "Meet Me at the Lake," as I found the plot predictable, even though I didn't realize (until listening to the author notes) that Will suffered from a form of post-partum depression. That was an odd twist. Can't find the Elly Griffiths title in my apps! Boo, hoo! I'm a fan of her work because of you! Yau for getting out to a movie, a new lunch spot, and a restaurant. You're finding fun ways to beat the heat! I just stay in my sewing room and sew, sew, sew!